Sunday 6 May 2012

Blog 8: To revere and be close to Nature

      Usually only when people confront the nature will they realize how awesome the nature is. It is a sense of respect from the deep heart, which is cultivated in human’s minds firmly from ancient times.
      However, having been restricted in our own narrow space which is far from the nature every day, our hearts also gradually become narrow, since we just focus on limited things and too preoccupied with ourselves . Simply traveling from dormitories to CELC and watching the outside world’s sceneries from glasses of shuttle, we are increasingly living in our own world and seem to pay more attention to trivial affairs. Under this circumstance, our confidence will inflate, leading us to feel strong enough to dominate everything as well as have the belief that nothing is impossible.

      However, when you look up to the countless bright stars and mysterious dark sky, you will get shame. The spacious universe gives all the beings under it a sense of suffocation. It is the pressure from the soul. Compared with the universe, you are just an ash and cannot influence anything. At this point, your heart will be full of the great of nature and insignificance as a human being, a strong reverence for nature. You will come to realize that there are so many things that we cannot do or even change. Then you will get humble and content.

There are only several decades in one’s whole life, and for some people, even shorter. Just like the Gypsies, they spend everyday as the last day of their life, since they can not predict whether they will breathe tomorrow’s fresh air or gone in the dream. So try to come near to the nature as long as you get chance. When you get out of your own world no matter the real or spirit one, you will understand that the value of life is beyond money and power. From the nature, you will find out the other forms of life and the true meaning of life existence. We feel no admire or despise to them, but a slight revere and love to life.    



  1. You are right! Excellent! We need to venerate the nature for her beautity as well as vastness and power. We human beings indeed are nothing compared to nature. Our life is short. And We are curbed by materials. However, everything we possess when we are alive will not be taken with us. We need to live a life as pure as ice in the winter or the sky over the South Pole. Only if we are happy spiritually, then it is enough. Life is simple- knowing the nature, enjoyiong her beautity. If we are dissatisfied, just go out to be close to nature and we will get content.

    1. Yeah I agree with you! We can not take anything after passing away. So money that can help you live a simple but comfortable life is enough. If one regards pursuing money as the only goal in life, his life will be much less fun. Wise man spends their precious time in realizing their dreams since everyone only has one life. If you do not do it, you will never have chance to do it.

  2. well,both you and mr zhao have proposed an urgent matter that world is facing at this moment--environmental protection.

    and as usual i will suggest something different from common beliefs,haha.

    some scientists claim that the global warming is not as notorious as what is in people's mind.

    their opinion is that with the emission of carbon dioxide, the plants will embrace a new future.

    and the plants will become more lush and grow very well

    then the carbon dioxide level will decrease and the climate will reach a new balance.

  3. The pictures are amazing! The natural world is always beautiful ,however ,human keeps polluting the environment and increasing number of species are disappearing . Therefore , we should try our best to enjoy the natural world and visit all the natural wonders before they disappear.
