Tuesday 1 May 2012

Blog7:How to download applications for free in app store?

Nowadays, Apple’s products are increasingly popular in the vibrant world. One of the problems of using these products is that people may pay before using the software. Therefore, many people jailbreak their devices so that they can download pirated software for free. Actually, besides jailbreak, there are still plenty of methods to get applications for free in app store. Now I will show some methods to you.
1.      Substitute. We all know that the number of applications in app store is about 150 thousands. If we want to use an application but unfortunately it is not free, we can search for other software that has the same functions. However, sometime it may be difficult for us to find a substitute.
2.      Limited time for free. In fact, in app store, some applications will be free for a period of time which is called limited time for free. If we are lucky enough to encounter those applications, we can download them for free. Next if those applications are updated, we can also update them for free.
3.      FMA and FAD.
FMA (free my app) and FAD (free app daily) are two websites that can help us download applications for free. We can download some free applications which are called promotion. Then we can get “credits” that are used for exchanging some charge software.
4.      Redeem code.
If we search in bbs, many people will publish some redeem codes in order to promote their products. By using these codes, we can also download applications for free and it is just like we purchase them.
What I want to say is that there is always one way out. Every problem has its own solution just like how to get software for free in app store. We should do what we can do to find the solution. And I think you can also purchase some good software for free after reading my blog.


  1. Is this some new discovery or a commonsensical procedure which nobody is excited over? Sometimes we go through great lengths to get something for free when the cost is really minimal. Even so, I understand the thrill techie gets whenever he manages to get over some technological barriers. Some will rather pay then spend time figuring how to avoid paying a small sum for the right to use someone elses intellectual property.

  2. sorry that i do not have an ipad or iphone.
    otherwise i can make use of what you have put down.
    although i can understand that it is very cool to enjoy the free softwares which are originally charging, yet we should think about the patent rights. SHALL WE?

    after all, we should show respects to other's intellegence
