Monday 7 May 2012

A simple process of deduction (Part 2)(Blog 8)

The deduction begins at two aspects. As for the technique aspect, I checked from Internet that the ways of stopping data transmission include the control of router, ARP attack, P2P killer.(This is what I can find. Besides it is the most common, effective and acceptable way in education, company and micro-LAN) It is a truth that in normal situation, students in RV cannot get access to Internet unless they use Proxy tool because the RV manager use at least one of the ways that was mentioned before to prevent the data transmission. Though the way of data transmission can be multiple or single, the RV manager must use at least two. P2P killer is included for we cannot use P2P protocol to download anything. I say it has at least two ways because my anti-P2P killer did not work. Then what is the other way? The control of router totally restraint the data so that you cannot get access to the Internet, but the truth that we can use Proxy server negate this way. For this reason, I can only suppose that the RV manager use the ARP attack tool to control our network use moderately in most of the time. But one day, the system broke down and sent the wrong ARP package to some of us randomly so that this thing happened. For the psychological aspect, the action of RV manager is quiet suspicious which indicate that he probably want to conceal the truth by making no mention. The respond of RV manager is quiet interesting and strange if we accept the common sense that this incident was by a hacker. Just suppose, if you were a manager. Your hostel suffers from ARP attack from a selfish hacker, what will you react? Will you employ a engineer to fix your system or find the hacker out?  I do not suggest that you employ a engineer for the cost is too high and if all these things are made by the hacker your system are okay though  the students computer are in trouble for the attacking target is the connection to your system but not your system’s connection to Internet. For if he/she attack your system, he/she will not get access to Internet. Look at this point, can you find the paradox; his/her motivation does not work at all. Besides, I wonder why he criticized that the behavior of writing the announcement. Though this behavior is hot blood, can we suppose that the manager is a partner of the hacker? Ha-ha, just kidding? The truth is obvious that he cannot admit that his system cause this problem so he try not get in touch with such topic and preserve his reputation as much as he can. As for why he complained about the Chinese students’ unhealthy Internet conduct such as watching some unhealthy things and use Proxy tool to surf on Internet at study time, I still can explain it. Maybe it is because that the unhealthy website may bring virus and the use of Proxy tool influence on the delivery of ARP package and lead to the system problem. All these things maybe were told by his consultable computer engineer employ and he just conveys these to us.
Last but not least I have two more evidences to share with you. The first is that I have a Dota friend in RV who is now in grade 3. When we play it together, he complains that why we SM3 students are always good at computer for he has suffered it twice. Then I know, it very likely to be an accident system disorder problem. The other is that I cannot get access to webpage just now, but I log in my QQ just now, it proves that it is not relevant to router anymore but points on ARP package.
At last I should state again that it is not a rigorous but a simple deduction, it may not show the underneath of the truth, but I can feel joy after a reasonable deduction.


  1. well, i do not know what is pertinent here.
    what should i put down in the dialog window? your blog is very profound and a little difficult for me to get through......

    but i do have some ideas about P2P terminator and ARP attack.
    although it is immoral to do this, it is really easy to deal with--just make sure that you lock your DNS and subtle mask, network.

  2. All this is really complex. Perhaps Junchao and you could explain to me how to get around ARP attachk and do a P2P access.

    1. Sir, I feel a pity that you misunderstand my meaning. This blog does not focus on technique but psychology. By the way, I have no doubt on neywork beacuse I can get access to Internet anytime because I have proxy server. So brother Chao may just show meaningless intelligence. But thanks for his kind, anyways. I deduce from two aspects into one potential truth. Actually, you do not need to read this blog if you read the evidence in former one thoroughly.
