Monday 28 May 2012

Blog 6 Personalities are like a box of chocolates

“Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. "

Chocolate seems to be a typical metaphor for life. In my opinion, different characteristics are like a box of chocolates as well. As a big fan of chocolate, I am fond of tasting various kinds of chocolates. And I think different kinds of chocolates can represent different characters. For example, milk chocolate is sweet and lovely. White chocolate is charming and tolerant. Nut chocolate is adventurous but maybe kind of childish. Black chocolate is distant and calm. Mint chocolate is energetic but odd.

In the daily life, I have encountered people of various personalities, as close friends or nodding ones. Of course I have my own preference of personalities but I am still sad to see people change themselves in order to cater to others’ opinions. Here I am referring to the basic characters rather than the living habits or speaking styles. For example, girls may pretend to be shy and naïve while they are actually lively. Although it is true that people should get along with others, this does not mean they are obligated to give up their own personalities. People may do this frequently in order to live easier. However, personally I don’t think it is right. It is just the same as chocolates. Among all the flavors, milk chocolate maybe the most popular one. So should the producer change the other favors to milk as well? There is no such thing of “best flavor” since every flavor is unique, therefore irreplaceable.

Various personalities are like a box of chocolates. Personality is no right or wrong. When people try to cater the others, they may be more popular, but may also lose themselves. The differences are the treasures that distinguish people from each other. When we are confused, just be ourselves, which may be the best way.

1 comment:

  1. Various personalities are like a box of chocolate. Whatever we get, I think we should set up good relationship with others, just like the chocolate.We can not change the taste of chocolate or the personality of the person. Therefore tolerance is needed.
