Sunday 20 May 2012

blog 9The Wenyanwen

Since the campaign lead by Mr HuShi, there are no wenyanwen, which is the ancient Chinese style of writing, existing at all. At that time, people were very happy to break the bounder of the limitation of writing. However, these years, increasing number of people wonder that whether we should deny the wenyanwen. Moreover, people are huyu that we should start learning how to write and use wenyanwen, instead of the baihuawen, which we are learning. In my opinion, the wenyanwen should be developed again, but it will be a hard road for Chinese linguists to go, or, maybe it is impossible for us to restart this beautiful language with a history of thousands of years.
Frankly, I think there are rarely genuine brilliant writers in China, including those very popular writers, like Guojingming, or Zhengyuanjie. Although their novels are popular, interesting, but I think they are not the art of literature.Their work can never reflect the beauty of Chinese. The beauty of Chinese, is existing in the disappearing Wenyanwen.        Reading LiBai’s poems, we can feeling his bold and generous. When we read the poems of DuFu, we can understand his worry about the people and country. Besides the poems, the Chinese four greatest novels, Xiyouji, Sanguoyanyi, Shuihuzhuan, and Hongloumeng, represents the peak of Chinese literature. Especially Hongloumeng, it represents the peak of the literature.Uptill now, there was no novel could compared with this great novel. Even one poem in this novel can be a brilliant work. Therefore, wenyanwen is never the things that we should abandond, in the contrast, it is the languish that should be passed down to every generation . \
Nowadays, some people have realized the importance and the beauty of wenyanwen. There are many schools founded specially for wenyanwen. However, one problem is, no teachers. From quantity, there are less students choose to study Chinese in their universities. Moreover, nowadays, even the professors can not write a good passage in wenyanwen, like those famous ones, for example, TengWangGeXu. That is why hundreds years ago there can be a campaign of reviving ancient languish and now we can not.
Actually, what I can do to revive the wenyanwen is to wirte this blog.Maybe I should borrow some books from Chinese Library to study some wenyanwen.    

1 comment:

  1. It is true that Wenyanwen plays a significant part in traditional literature.People are not denying it,but they are only trying to develop a more convenient way of communication.
