Monday 7 May 2012

The differences between Chinese jiaozi and Singapore’s

Last week my host family invited me to have lunch with me. When they told me that we were going to eat jiao, I immediately accept the invitation. Jiaozi is a typical food in China. If I had not been to Singapore, I would have already eaten hundreds of jiaozi this year. I fancy this dish a lot and have been longing to eat it recently, and that is the main reason why I agree to attend the lunch. When my host family and I were eating jiaozi a week later, I found that the flavor of Singapore jiaozi is quite similar to Chinese; however there still exist some differences between them.

First, in Singapore the dumpling wrappers have different colors. There is a very interesting dish that consists of eight dumplings of different colors in one food steamer. What’s more, each of these dumplings has different flavors. For instance, the white one stands for traditional flavor; the yellow one has mushroom flavor, and the pink one has a spicy taste. In contrary, most of Chinese dumplings are white, and the color does not indicate the taste.

Secondly, dumplings in Singapore are lonely. There are only several dumplings in one dish, and each dumpling keeps a distance from each other. The distance makes them seem isolated. And I was reluctant to eat them due to the small amount of them. Whereas, dumplings in Chinese dish are different. There are an amount of dumplings in one plate and they lie together shoulder to shoulder. Every time I can eat at least twenty dumplings.
     The other salient difference is the price. Can you guess how much is a dumpling I ate? It is one Singapore dollar! However, in China I can use one Singapore dollar to buy more than twenty dumplings in HIT.

These are some differences I found about Chinese dumplings and Singapore’s. However, I think the Singapore dumplings share the similar taste with Chinese and even have a better taste than Chinese.  


  1. It looks yummy. I also want to eat, although I am not so interested in dumplings. I think it is better to make dumplings in different colors based on their taste. That will make it easier for people to choose their favorite kind. ps: I have not eaten dumplings in HIT. What a pity!!!

    1. The dumplings in my hometown are very tasty which endear me a lot. Most importantly, they are quite cheap compared with Singaporean. I know you will probably go back to Harbin to deal with some procedures. I would like to treat you to a famous Dumplings restaurant if so.

  2. You have brought back my homesick feelings!Now I firmly believe that dumplings in northeast China is the most authentic and delicate after tasting them in Wuhan and Singapore. In accordance with my experience, Sinapore's dumplings are not only in small quantities but also more inclined to wonton. Its skin is thin and stuffing is more crushing. Perhaps you had better go to Chinatown when you want to have a taste of the troditional Chinese flavor.

    1. Oh, thank you for reminding me to go China Town to taste the traditional dumplings. I hold the view that jiaozi is an iconic symbol of Chinese wisdom, since people can eat both dishes and staple food together when having them.

  3. well, i am happy to see that you are interested in cooking and food.

    it implies your proper attitude and you are enjoying your life.

    although i am not familiar with singaporean jiaozi, i do believe that that chinese jiaozi is more delicious

    I am really homesick at this moment and the words said by my seniors that i would came to miss the chinese food after several months in singapore. so now i know it is true.

    well, sorry to think in this way.

    hope you all is well

  4. Haha , I want to try the Singapore dumpling! During the Spring Festival ,I have eaten the dumplings made by my seniors..Actually, I do not like eating dumplings when I was in China. However, afetr I went to Singpore, I found that I miss the taste of Chinese dumpling, especially those in the picture, the "Zhengjiao".I have a suggestion, maybe we can make dumpling by ourselves in the class party, at the end of the English course.

    1. Yeah, I think it could be a good idea to make dumplings by ourselves at the end of bridging course. I also agree with you that after I came to Singapore I came to realize how delicious dumplings and other Chinese dishes can be.
