Tuesday 8 May 2012

Spring: a Season of Revitalization

Among four seasons in one year, spring would be my favorite time in my hometown Xian. Even though the summer is always full of various exhilarating outdoor activities such as swimming and bike-riding, its high temperature and sudden drenching rains irritate me. However, the springtime is different which stays more mild and comfortable. The spring time in Xian is short, therefore it become more precious for every citizen or tourist to enjoy its vigor and vitality.
By the time March rolls around, you can make an attempt to imagining putting your heavy winter coat away. It feels like you have lived through a long period of winter. In the middle of March, with the weather warming up, little green buds on the ends of the trees and flowers are starting to force their way into view. Afterwards, April hits and all of a sudden, the real spring is coming! The whole city is embraced by lush planets and lovely insects. Every flower seems to bloom at once. However, it still follows a strict sequence, for example, yellow winter jasmines and white plum blossom are the first to show their beauty. Then our campus turns into green, interspersed with pink cherry blossoms. The air teems with pleasant fragrance and bees manage to carve out a living, pollinating the intrepid flowers. Unlike soakers in the summer, the tender shower of spring falls down in a milder way. Usually the continuous rain lasts for several days, wishing out all the dirt. Maybe when one morning you weak up, you may surprise that all the road is covered with pink petals. Close the umbrella and breathe the fresh air, you can gain a euphoric experience from a season full of revitalization.
One important feature diverges Xian’s spring from others’ is the perfect combination of living plants and historic buildings. The imposing City Wall of Xian, which was used for defending the city from exotic nations’ invasion, has stood there for more than six hundred years. What you can feel by touching it is all about the history of a great empire and splendid culture. Surprisingly, it matches well with flourish trees. During the spring time, the trees cast their shadow on the City Wall and the shadow waves with the frequency of wind. It is just like they are telling stories to each other. Every time going through this boulevard after school, beneath the shade of both City Wall and trees, I can sense the exhilarating coolness. Besides, since Xian is the ancient capital of China, numerous poets and writers like Li Bai and Han Yu left their praise about the capital’s engaging spring. Today Xian’s spring still resembles its depiction of in poetries from Tang Dynasty. For instant, willows are still standing beside the lakeside, with their twigs jogging with the breeze. These twigs used to be the gift to somebody who was departing.  
There is a saying that “since a student decided to pursue his university enducation outside his hometown, he can never experience his hometown’s springs or autumns’’. Acutually, in Singapore, I cannot enjoy three other seasons expect summer. It feels like and eternal summer with overwhleming hot weaves and sudden heavy rains at intervals. I really miss a spring full of revitalization, when cold weather terminates and everything seems promising. Maybe the spring does not only signify a period of time, but also indicates a state of mind full of pleasure and hope. Everyday can be in spring so just enjoy it!  


  1. I am impressed wit the beautiful scenery in your former mother university.

    in my opinion,spring is very attractive and magnificent.

    the reason why I believe the spring is fabulous is that it is not too hot or freezing but temperate.

    in the spring, the stream consisting of the water from melting snow is very placid and crystal.

    i hope one i can be a guest of you to visit your university in spring. haha

  2. You have given us a elaborate and vivid depiction of the ancient city--Xi'an! While mulling over your beautiful words, a city with historic vicissitudes and modern vitality come into my mind, leting me full of wonder and respect. Spring has her unique beauty in different cities, and in Xi'an, always with a historic atmosphere. I always can not help thinking that the flourish bloom may be the same with that in ancient dynasties. The only difference is the people under the trees.

  3. Yes, it is well said, "Spring is all in the mind." If you like whichever thing, you need to see it in yourself. Anyway, thank you for the beautiful flowers of Xian. Unfortunately, I was there in winter, so missed all the charming activities and scenes you described. But winter in Xian also has its beauty. It's all in the mind.

  4. I always want to go to Xi'an^_^, and now I want to go there in Spring,.The flower in Xi'an jiaotong University is really beautiful ,I have never seen this kind flower before. Hope for visiting Xi'an, the capital of China which has lasted for thousand of years. I also like Spring, the start of all the lives.

  5. According to your depiction, I am really impressed by this vigor city with a really long and intriguing history. I ought to visit there personally.
    I must confess that I miss the three other seasons either. Although summer is good and suitable for outdoor activity, an endless summer is really boring. Fortunately, we still have winter when we go back to our home town.
