Wednesday 23 May 2012

blog 9 What I have learned from the research project and final presentation

  How time flies, it almost comes to the end of the bringing course. In this semester, we have paid a lot of effort on our research project and final presentation, which is the key point of the second semester. We just gave the final presentation in this morning, and the final edition of research project will also be handed in soon. All of us have learned a lot through these two tasks, and here I want to talk about my reflections and what I have gained from.
  First of all, they teach us how to achieve an efficient group. As the research job was very heavy and complicated, and the time was also limited for us, we decided to distribute the assignments. We divided our job into several parts and each of us was in charge of his or her own part. Since everyone in our group was responsible and conscientious, we did very well in respective job, and it led to our group’s head start and proactive position. Therefore, our research progressed at a faster pace. We seized the initiative and had more time to make amendments and betterment. It is the distribution of job and responsible mind of group member that achieve our group’s success.
Secondly, they teach me how to be a qualified and popular member of a group. Hanwen was our group leader, and in the process of working on our research report, he did much additional jobs such as formulating the plan and schedule and distributing our assignments. He also helped to collect all of what we wrote respectively, getting them together and making some amendments for unity. I am very appreciated for his responsibility and I think our group could not win without his lead. He did not complain of his additional job and was ready to do more than others. To be a qualified and popular member of a group, one must be responsible and ready to do more jobs.
Thirdly, I find that everyone has great potential. I was surprised by the progress made by all of us when we giving the presentation this morning. Compared to the last presentation in the first semester, each one of us indeed made great and observable improvements. We become more experienced and do well in many presenting skills like eye-contact and posture and gesture. As for me, I got the highest mark in the class and I even did not feel anxious when giving the presentation. However, I could clearly remember that how nervous I was in the first time, and my legs could not stop trembling. I was much more confident and calm this time and I was proud of my great progress.
 The bridging course has taught me a lot. It is not just about the improvement on English skills, but also about growth and life. I want to express my deep thanks to all the tutors teaching me, and I am also looking forward to my growth and development in the university life.


  1. Zhaoyou you have really made a remarkable progress in our group! Also your last blog is a great achievemnt compared to the former ones. Just as you put, in the presentation, all of us have improved both in delivery skills and a smooth mood. It was really amazing to see all the members presented confidently and perfectly that day. I am truely proud of our group 7!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. According to the struction of your blog, it follows my comment.(Just for fun)
    printf("Opening: OMG,HOW TIME FLIES
    Para_1: OOXX...agree!
    Para_2: Besides that, Hanwen Chunng is fairly fun! Plus,he
    balances exercises and academic work.
    para_3: Yes, soucing-man did a good job as well.
