Sunday 13 May 2012

My reflection on learning service

Till now, I have been engaged in learning service for more than one month. During this time, I and other members in my group drew up a general schedule and implemented it. What we have been helping is a student center called Baptist student center. In the student center, we take charge of teaching and attending to primary school students some of whom are from poor family and lack concern from their busy parents. From the survey, I learned many useful skills and gain the happiness from contributing to a community.

From the two orientated lessons, I acquired many useful skills respecting community service. By listening to the host’s humorous speech and our trainer’s teaching, I learned how to plan a viable schedule, to cooperate with other group member, and to distribute appropriate job to each teammate.

I also benefited from implementing our service. Just as the host said in the second lesson, as scholar we not only need a high IQ to improve our academic grades, but more importantly, we need a high EQ to perform well in our society, and learn service can help you improve your EQ. That’s quite true, by negotiating with the teachers in student center and communicating with children there, I make progress in socializing which in a part of EQ. In addition, during the service, I gain the happiness of helping others every time I memorize the smile of the children in student center.

All in all, I think learning service is very worthy to experience, and I want continue my service after this activity.  


  1. In these activities, we can always learn a lot about it. And those skills are necessary in daily life but may not useful in academy. As a result, this sort of activities are helping us compensate for what we have lost in the previous 18 years. They are really meaningful!

    1. Yes, although these kinds of activites can hardly be useful in our academy, they help us enhance our EQ. After we enter NUS, there will be more activites alike; therefore, I really treasure this opportunity to train my teamwork skills,too.

  2. It seems that service program is also very good! Pity that I can not participate in the two programs at the same time. However, either program has taught us a lot of things. Not only about the life in Singapore, but also in our whole life. I have also spent a good time during the give program. The teacher in the secondary school is very kind and told us many things about Singapore.

    1. Yes, each program can train our abilities. In my opinion, learning service taught us more about cooperation, while give program trained us more about the abilities of individual. The abilities we gained will be very useful in our unniversity.
