Friday 11 May 2012

[blog 9] A long road ahead for China's education

 During these months’ staying in Singapore, I reflected a lot on China's education. With the largest population in the world, Chinese government made it possible for every child to go to school. China's education has its own advantages. Students who have received Chinese education for some years have a solid foundation, especially in math and science. However, some disadvantages are visible.
  Firstly, unfair policy is a very important issue. Students in some provinces or cities are enjoying education privileges. An obvious example, compared to students in other provinces, students in Beijing are much easier to get into Peking University and Tsinghua University, known as the two best universities in China. According to MOE (2011), 0.026% (135 out of 510,000) students in Sichuan province are admitted by Tsinghua University while the number in Beijing is 5.2% (398 out of 7,6000). On this issue, the government cannot make up a reasonable explanation to us. In the same country, why should students get different policy?

  Secondly, Chinese education focuses too much on examination rather than practical ability. In most students’ and teachers’ eyes, the mark is higher than everything. It is easy to see students burying their heads in books and text papers but of seeing various activities organized for students, especially in Primary and Middle School. I think it’s due to the large number of students and limited schools or universities in China, pushing students to compete hard for the higher-level education. Students in China do suffer a lot.

  In conclusion, it is not totally the government we should blame. They have made effort to improve Chinese education, which is restricted to the national conditions to some extent. Too many people makes it hard to distribute education resource equally. All in all, chinese education still has a long way to go. For us young generation, we are the coming main force of society. If possible, we should shoulder the responsibility of the development of Chinese education.


  1. dear qinlin, I mean no offence but i believe you made some mistakes on chinese education.

    first, although everyone has to admit that chinese education is not fair regionally. but at least now chinese university education can satisfy almost every smart but poor student's desire to enroll.

    but things are really different in britain, one the most wealthy countries in the world. people usually go to different kind of universities depending on which social class they are in.

    if you are a noble a middle class, then cambridge is not a problem. otherwise, there is not much possibility that you can make it

    1. i do not think you understand my meaning. you take britain for an example, do you think a wealthy can always provide its citizens the best education? do you think its enough if a country enabled many of its youth to go to university? do you think it is enough as long as there are many school, whatever education they provide? Generally speaking, chinese education has improved a lot, but far more than enough.

  2. In fact, the education privileges is not only for Beijing students, for every province and city, it is easier for local students to enter the local universities, for example, entering FuDan University is easier for Shnaghai students.Besides, it is really a big disadvantage of Chinese education on lacking of the practise ability, and community activitis. However, it is hard to change the exam system which has lasted for hunderds of years. But the government is thrying to change, compared with my cousins, I think I have done more experiment.

  3. The prominent and imminent problems of china's education are the unfair matriculation standards and unbalanced education resource distribution.
    However, the point is not that China does not have enough universities. Actually, China does not require so many university graduates now. On the contrary, too many graduates result in the waste of education resource and fierce competition. If China could build a good education system before tertiary education, it is enough for the national condition in this stage.
