Saturday 12 May 2012

blog 8Mum, I love you

Today is Mother's day.
Happy Mother's day,Mum.
Yesterday, when I chated with my mother, I told her, "Happy Mother's day, Mum. "When I hung up the phone. It seemed that I forgot something. This morning, when I woke up, my roomate reminded me that today is Mother's Day. Then ,I thought of what I hd missed yesterday. I forgot to say ,"Mum, I love you. "

My mother is always very kind, maybe it is related to her job--a prymary school teacher. Therefore, whenever she teach me, she will use the softly tone which she uses to taech her students, to educate me.She rarely scolds me, even I have  made my junior high school teacher anngry, she did not beat me. At that time, the teachers in the junior high school always beat the students ver hard, and used some impertinent words to scold students. Therefore, at that time, my mother told the teacher not to beat me, as a experienced teacher, my mother knew that the corporal punishment will leave a shadow in the students heart and it will badly influence the future development of the students, especially in the character. She always has her own way to teach me, which is proved to be the most suitable and succcessful with me. She teaches me how to use anothetr way to solve problems, which makes me see something others cannot notice. Moreover, she bought equipment to teach me how to do experiments since I entered the primary school. Although at that time I did not know why, it increased my interest in science and developed my ability of doing experiments.
Today is the first Mother's Day that I do not spend with my mother. Perviously, I would buy a little present, which can represent my love to my mother, with a bouquet of flowers and a picture drawn by me. although every year she told me not to waste the money, I knew she was very happy and felicity with my presents and paintings. This year, I can not buy mother a present and give her my drawing on Mother's Day. However, I know that she will still very happy, felicity and proud of me, because I have been chosen as a scholar in NUS. Although I am in Singapore, my love for you is still the sam as before, or, more than before.

Mother, I love you, more than  everyone in the world.


  1. In my childhood, there was a well-known song named 'mother is the only person who is good in the world'. And I used to sing it a lot. Mother is always kind to us and believe in her kids no matter how bad others may think of them. As fortunate as you, I also have a great mother who have sacrificed immensely to ensure a healthy environmeny for me to grow up. Fathers protect us from pysical injuries; mothers shelter us from spiritual harm.
    Today is the Mother's Day, hope every mother in the world or those who are soon to be mothers have a happy day :-)!

  2. Right, mother and father are the most important two persons in our life. Therefore, we remember every happy second we have spent with them.

  3. Parents can have great impacts on their children.Your mother is the enlightenment to you,both in life and study.To be honest,you made me a little jealous of you.
