Monday 30 April 2012

Blog 8: CAI=friend || enermy?

what do you want CAI to be, a friend or enemy? (CAI=computer and Internet)

initially, the title is ‘does CAI cause more harm or generate more benefit?’ later, I changed it. There are two reasons for this change. First, CAI, merely as an invention, is unable to control people and cause users addicted into computer games or buried in browsing social websites. In practice, it’s just otherwise. Second, whether CAI brings more harm or benefit varies enormously depending on the personality of different individuals. Some people may have good self-control—they surf the Internet, but will scarcely be swallowed and drown by it; they play the computer games, but always win in the battle against the addiction into game--CAI is fabulously conducive to their convenience of study and relaxation in life. Others may also experience the similar pleasure, however, they are probably more overcome with the feeling of guilty, regretting having wasted such a prodigious amount of time on these useless stuff.


if your answer is yes, you fall into the second category. In other words, if you conceive CAI ‘has an adverse effect on you’(or rather, you make CAI your enemy or a bog), probably you’re lacking in self-control. Most times, computer will be switched on as soon as you reach your dorm. Then, browsing the websites or chatting on QQ will dominate the following consecutive two to three hours, after which you may find vastly guilty. As a result, you try to redeem yourself and promise to study harder and do homework right away. Nevertheless, you possibly need to refer to some information about your topic and thus press the power button in order to search in the Internet. Again, you are lost in the virtual world. Besides, you have done some homework in between the first and second time of scanning the websites and convince yourself constantly that you are surfing the Internet for the purpose of study. Consequently, there is a chance that you will waste a lot of time on PC.

if your answer if no, congratulations to you. You are the person who can manage your life well. You can extract yourself from the addiction into Internet or you are never addicted into it at all.

 To be honest, I belong to the first sort of people. I’m easily lured by websites and sometimes find it hard to be aware that I’m living in the virtual world. But I hope I can transform myself into a well-rounded individual who can live life efficiently and meaningfully. I write this blog in order to expose a real self to me as well as you. I hope my experience can serve as an assistance to make your life more productive and keep you content with and confident of yourself. The last nonsense but not the trivial, it’s of tremendous significance for us to know what we want at present and what we desire to be in the future.

1 comment:

  1. There's no comment on your blog, therefore, I went out of the crowd and finally arrived here and clinch the sofa!
    It appears that you were trying to persuade us the idea that CAI itself is with no benefit or detriment, but people's self-control ability decides whether CAI is good or harm to them? Are you stressing on being extremely objective so that the attributes of everything depends on how human takes use of them?
    The person who answers "No" for this question probably is not aware that CAI threatens the balance of his/her life. Often one is rather innocent of his/her being. By saying this I'd like to ellaborate that, one may not be lucid the impact of CAI on him/her.
    When CAI occured to me, I thought of the CIA...
