Wednesday 18 January 2012

Blog1 (1) 17th Jan. 2012

Today I want to write something rather abstract and hard to be expressed with words, music. The idea to write such a blog occurred to me when I came back from NUS, and boarded on the school bus, had nothing to do but listen to music to kill time. I have never written an essay regard to music in Chinese before, and I know exactly it’s far more difficult to write one in English. However, I decided to take the poisonous apple and have a try to write some thing about my favorite songs, XuSong’s songs.  

Today in our class, one of my classmates Yu Dong delivered an oral report in relation to love, which is almost the main topic of every popular song. I like XuSong’s songs very much. The most brilliant feature of his songs is that he can depict his pure love in a very obscure way, different from others’ direct expressions, such as “I love you” or something similar. The lyrics of his songs are just like Chinese poetry, all of his affections are not told straightforward, but in a rather beautiful way, filling the scenery with his affections, drawing a postcard vista full of his admirations.

Chinese literary authors have developed a habit of expressing emotion by depicting what they see and hear. However, natural scenery is no longer natural after writers put them into their passages. The scenery is attached with emotion, and it’s artificial since then. Only with real emotions, abundant experiences and deep thoughts can a writer writes great passages, the same goes when composer composes songs. XuSong’s songs never lack in true emotion and beautiful melody, what’s more , nearly all of them are composed and written by himself.

I do love XuSong’s songs to my heart, not only because it’s pleasant to hear and can arouse my sympathy , but also they reveals the true feeling of their composer, XuSong.

1 comment:

  1. Guess what? I am a fan of Xu Song as well! I remembered that I first heard his voice in a song called "The funeral of roses".In his early works,the lyrics as well as the melody are not so poetry. During that time,my favorite ones were those lively music such as "If you were the wind". Even now it still reminds me of the beautiful time in my senior high school.
