Wednesday 18 January 2012

1.My Mentor Mr Clarence Lim

Mr Clarence Lim is my mentor in English learning group 7.He is an old man with great knowledge.He had been working for a press.He is great at teaching.
Mr Clarence always encourages us to read more.He always bring us some magazines and newspapers.It is ture that we like them very much.But it seems that Mr Clarence did not bring us enough magazines for I still haven't had a look of one of them.Besides bringing us reading materials,Mr Clarence always told us some good reading skills and some good aspects of reading.He hopes us to be a person who will never give up reading.
But sometimes Mr Clarence did confuse me.Once after my NUS's cheap breakfast,I came to the classroom to found that Mr Clarence has already been there.Then he asked me some questions.The fist one is easy to understand.It is about am I a member of his group.After my answer,he asked me the second question.But I failed to understand it(later I got that question from my group member.It is about treat him a breakfast or something).It is not because I not willing to treat you a breakfast but I did not understand what you told me.Mr Clarence is good at quick speaking and I can not always keep up with his words.
I know very little about Mr Clarence Lim. So if there are anything wrong with him.please correct it with your comments.Thank you!


  1. I think Mr Clarence Lim is a very friendly and kind teacher,too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with you.What't more,he is humours and handsome!haha

  4. It is quite impossible to know a person from just a few encounters. However, it is also quite natural to form impression of a person even after just one meeting. Perhaps after you know the person better, or after a sustained period of interactions, your impression of him may change. You might then realise, to your great disappoint or delight, that Mr Clarence Lim may not be so clever after all.
