Sunday 15 January 2012

Op About this blog^

    It's quite interesting to create a new blog just a month after I came to Singapore.It's mainly used for English writing ,especially for Intensive English Bridging Courses.
    As far as I'm concerned, I don't think a blog is just for developing writing skills, it's also a way of recording our lifes. Time flies and the moment we share together will vanish beyond our notices, however, a blog will help us memorize or revoke what we have forgotten.
    I may not write in English as much as I do in Chinese since I haven't develop an ability to express what I experienced clearly and vividly in English, but I will try, enjoy life and enjoy writing in English.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post Ziyan.
    You are absolutely right to blog about your impressions, experiences and views. Don't do it just to improve your English. But you will discover that the more you blog, the better your English will be.Hence, continue to blog sensibly and write about things which others would like to read.
    Clarence Lim
