Wednesday 18 January 2012

Blog1 (2) 18th Jan. 2012

It’s really a frustrating day! I always make the same mistake, and every time I did it, I would feel quite upset for the following days, got peaceful again until it faded from my memory. I can’t stand it!

When I got up in the morning, I couldn’t find my e-card for elevator in RVHS! When one loses things, it’s common he/she doesn’t remember where he/she loses it, so do I. I even don’t know whether I had placed it into my bag! It might drop out when I intended to take some tissues from the bag which I usually put my e-card in, when I was eating dinner with my roommate, or else. But the consequence is it can’t be found anywhere anymore, and I have to pay for 30 dollars to apply for a new one! So terrible it is!

This is not the first time I have lost things in Singapore, let alone in university. I left my spectacles in MRT when I hung out with my friends the other day. I realized the situation immediately, but it was late: I had alighted from MRT. Though I filled a form in MRT office, my spectacles went away, didn’t come back to me until now. It vanishes, forever.

Anyway, it’s no use to blame myself or think too much about the lost things. They were lost. The only thing I can do is taking care of my belongings and being a cautious person in future—How about my lost things and continuing the silly behavior of losing in future? 

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