Wednesday 25 January 2012

The tuition costs too much

blog 2

The tuition costs too much

The “tuition” for a lesson of failure in part-time work

It is true that I am facing a trouble, because the propagandistic team that I led in my hometown as a part-time work task before I came to Singapore proved failed, or, super-failed, with only 4% target reaching the standard. Isn’t it crazy? It does shock me a lot!!!The “tuition” comes follow.

It was an agreement with the boss before I arrived here in Singapore. It was my first time to take over this kind of task, so I spent weeks thinking the methods of how to create the advertisements well and assign the team to deliver them. When the advertisements were still on the process, I began to arrange the task of the team for several months later. It seemed serious, and in fact, it was, because we would make our boss either profit or loss. I invested nothing expect my time and energy, but the result really mattered the organization. That is to say, it was not a virtual game indeed. It certainly deserved my labor physically and mentally.

  I am glad that I gained the opportunity to study in National University of Singapore as a scholar, but at the same time, it seemed to be a challenge for me to finish the task so far away. I began to worry that how to lead the team to disseminate in the local area, which is the key to reach the goal. And then, I made a particular plan for each essential day, including what to do, who to do, who to be the principal of the specific job and so on, for the 4-day advertising period. I shared the documents to QQ group of the team, so that they can know the direction without my company. It seemed to be a detailed plan and can work smoothly.

However, this is not the case! I kept being on-line in QQ during the period, so that I could keep in touch with my fellows and be informed of their latest performance according to the document. But I got little news, few words in the group making me confused. I just wanted to fly back to see what was happening. Several days passed in such annoying silence, and came the news that we failed, super-failed! My heart broke into pieces in a split second, hey, it was just my “baby”! I could feel the chilling cold from my 4000-kilometer away hometown in this tropical country.

Of course, broken heart is not the end of the nightmare. Another challenge follows. How can I explain to my boss with such embarrassing that merely 4% target has been done?!Loss! Loss in finance and reputation of the organization! I felt guilty that I make the boss suffer loss. I felt better if it was my money. Well, anyway, as a leader, I should take up the responsibility. At least, it was I that should be blamed first. No excuse. It is really scaring to call in form the boss with this news, anyway.

I reflect back on the factors leading to the tragedy, concluded as follow. Most importantly, I could not attend the activities in the key period. Secondly, the amount of the posters was far from enough. Thirdly, it was not a good time for advertising was not quite appropriate.

A friend of mine told me that I don’t have to be so sad and that I should not only welcome victory all the time but also learn to embrace failure. I believe that he is right, I am too accustomed to success. And now, I am having the chance to become more matured. If I have another chance, I will still go forward! This is me.

The tuition is indeed deer, but it worths.


  1. failure is the mother of success...from which you can learn a lot, not only experience but something more important

  2. In my opinion, no one is accustomed to success. Who appears to be in that way just forgot the road he/she walked towards success.

    As to this matter, in my opinion the best solution is to ask someone to work as a deputy for you. When you left your hometown, he/she could work as a leader to continue your tasks.

    I have the similar experience as yours when I was in NJU. I worked as a member of arts department in our department's students' union. I was distributed a job, which was to design a performance for the party of welcoming new students. I thought I could do it very well, but only when I began to work did I knew how difficult it was. I asked a senior for help. In the end, the performance won lots of applaud, but I didn't feel the happiness of achievement since I made little contribution to the performance.

    But a few days later, I realized I was just a freshman. A freshman to university, and a freshman to the whole life. I got satisfied with what I did because the results were good. And though I wasn't the director of that performance, I gained precious ideas of how to become a director.

    ...Saying a lot about my own experience.
    The most important thing I think is to remember the failure in mind, but not in a negative way such as blaming yourself or feeling guilty for a long time. You can treasure the failure, and next time you do something, you recall the memory to avoid similar mistakes. Then you will be confident to finish the job because only you have this experience which contributes quite a lot to the success of your job.

    1. Ziyan,I am so moved that you can share your experience with me. Go ahead and learn along the way .Afterall, there is still a long way to go.

  3. Now that you have learnt a lot from this experience, I think it have been proved to be worthy !

  4. Do not be so depressed.After this experience you are sure to make success next time.

  5. failure is the mother of success.
    hope you all well
    pay attention to it next time.
    every tuition you pay for your failure is worthwhile as long as you have learned something
