Wednesday 18 January 2012

Friendly People in Beautiful Country

  One month ago, I together with other students was on a flight from Beijing to Singapore. I still remember how complicated my feeling was at that moment. On one hand, I can’t describe the excitement in my heart; I have started imaging what kind of a life I’m going to live in Singapore even when the plain haven’t took off. On the other hand, after all, it’s the first time I go to a foreign country which is far away from my home and my hometown, so it’s no wonder I felt a sense of loss, because I won’t see my parents for a quite long time.

  When I arrived in Singapore, the first impression the strange city left on me is HOT. I felt how different it is compared to those typical Chinese cities.
  Except hot, I found Singapore is a really beautiful city, clear floor, green grass, tall tress and colorful flowers came into my view.

  After some days’ staying in Singapore, I got to know many Singaporeans.

  I found it’s a little unbelievable that people with different colors and beliefs can get along so well in such a small island. I believe it’s tolerance that make this multicultural society so harmony.

  And people here are really friendly. They are always willing to help those who are in trouble, no matter who you are, where you come from. When in a bus, if the driver learned you are new here, he will introduce something about this country to you and tell you when to get off. When in a MRT station, if you aren’t sure about your routine, the people there will guide you to your destination. When crossing a road, if you focus too much on your cellphone to notice the light has turned from red to green, people besides you will give you a signal.

  Those who I am most grateful are my befrienders.

  When we heading Singapore, it’s them to welcome us in the airport, which really left a great impression on me. Then after we settled in RV, they show us around and tell us a lot about Singapore, such as how to get to a supermarket, where to buy a cellphone card and where to change our money. But for them, we couldn’t get accustomed to this completely new country so soon.

  And they invited us to a big ship to celebrate our Christmas. It’s such an unforgettable experience because it was the first time I have a holiday in a foreign country, it was the first time I get on such a big ship.

  Then came the orientation camp, we played game together, went to fly kites near the western beach, went to have a BBQ in a church and prepare our talent show. Though we been together for only two days, during this period we got to know each other better. We really had a great time.

  Now, we don’t stay together, but we have built great relationship. We have become good friends, may be a lifelong friendship.

  Thank you, friendly Singaporeans and befrienders, you make us sm3 students feel that we are not alone, because you are always around us and ready to lend us a hand.


  1. Of coures !I heard there would be some activities organised by befrienfers these days to celebrate the Chinese New Year!!Looking forward:)

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    1. yeah, without them, we couldn't get used to the life in singapore so fast, we couldn't get rid of our homesickness...

  4. I like the 啊里巴巴 very much.It is really funny.Haha

    1. lol, it's really interesting...and you remember?

  5. I feel the same with you.It's quite lucky for us to have our befrienders'company. Besides, I found that most of them are Christians.Maybe this is a part of their belief.During the camp,I was moved a lot by these kind people.And for sure the friendship would never fade out with time going by.
