Thursday 19 January 2012

The New Adventure of Literature

  I’m always fond of English literature; however, everything I read was in Chinese. There are many books I like, for example, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice , George Orwell’s 1984 and Dickens’ Oliver Twist. After opening the books, I can see an adventurous world floating over the pages. Now I’m in Singapore, which offers me a great opportunity to read in English.
  Also, we have been taught reading strategy which I’d like to apply to my reading. Therefore in SELF I chose a novel called To Kill a Mocking Bird which I have heard before and started reading. The reason why I chose it is that it’s quite famous and relates to the human rights and Negroes in early 20th century, which I’m interested in. Also it is faced to younger reader, so I can start more easily. As told in class, skim first, and then read in detail. Despite the words I don’t know, I got the main meaning of the chapter 1 and found it attractive. However, there is still one problem bothering me, which is about new words. I don’t know when to look them up is proper. If I look up them during reading, it’s easy to forget the story and where I was and hard to recall. If I let them go, I will lose the chance to enrich my vocabulary even can’t understand the book. Can anybody give me some suggestions? 
  Due to books in SELF aren’t available when we are back, I bought two novels last week. I have heard them both before and saw the movie of October Sky. That’s an inspiring story about pursing dreams. And I will start reading it immediately.

 Although reading English novel is difficult for me, I believe one day I can enjoy my adventure without difficulty, which needs a lot of effort, skills and time. I’m sure that finally I’ll achieve it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your problems are not unique. I can't read the Chinese classics in Chinese much less in classical Chinese. Hence, the next best thing is to read Chinese novels in English. At least your are better than me: you are reading the English classics in English! Enjoy the plot, the characterisation and the setting; don't fret over the vocabulary, it will only slow down your reading. Try to guess he meaning in context; however, if you really can't fathom the menaing, and it is bothering you so much, than look up the word in your dictionary. Keep up the reading.

  3. I agree that reading novels is a good way to improve reading skills and I have the similar problem about the new words.However,I also have trouble in choosing a book.Because I have no idea about English novels,I am not sure if the language is good or not.Anyway since I am a big fan of detective and crime novels, I choose a novel called "The city of crime".Hopefully I can finish reading it!

  4. I made a mistake.The book is "City of thieves".
