Friday 20 January 2012

Blog1. Continuing topic


  1. Actually, it is not practical to make any of them free unless in Utopia. However, the topic is worth discussing.

    1. Yup, the better choice is to cut down how much them charge gradually, while gov. subsidize the people who pay for them. They can't be totally free. Once being free, even though with support of gov., companies get few motives to improve. No competition, no improvement. It's largely true.

  2. Regardless of which is better or more reasonable,being free is better than not being free somehow.

    1. Hia, actually those services' being free are not my preference.

  3. of course hospital first, if you are not able to live healthy, will you go to school

    1. emmmmmm, that's argueable. According to ur logic, i can declare that without water will you go to school? thus, you should choose water. However, it not persuading, right?

  4. Yes, I am confused. However, it is a good attempt to sustain a discussion. I believe health is most important. Then comes education, because it involves in raising the next generation. Every nation needs new blood to take over the present leadership. Nevertheless, I agree that it is difficult to decide which should be the top two choices.

  5. Er... Actually I think the net should be the first one that should be free.If it is not free,how can we discuss this question here? Internet is so powerful!With the help of Internet we can easily discuss and become organization to protest for the free of hospital.isn't it?

  6. well,do not keep on that anymore please.
    there is never a free lunch,you know that.
    to be more fair or to be more efficient are not the same sometimes.which do you want to choose?
