Friday 20 January 2012

Blog1:Shopping in Singapore

  As we all know,Singapore is a city(country) that is regarded as "shopping heaven".There are plenty of malls in Singapore here and there.What's more,most of the malls in Singapore are quite near from the MRT stations,which means that tourists will have a good time in these malls conveniently when they alight from the trains.Yesterday,Wang Yifan, Pan Long, Liao Yiyang and I went to a mall in Clmenti which is called "Clmenti Mall".There we just walked and walked finding that there are so many fantastic things but we could't afford them.What a pity!And then,to our surprise,we met Max who is a befriender in our camp.After the encounter,we continued to hang in the mall,however,we didn't buy anything because of the high price. What a pity!In the end,we took the MRT and got back to our hostel.Although we didn't buy goods after all,we have already felt the atmosphere of shopping.
 OK,it is my first blog that is written in English.If there are any mistakes,please point them out,thank you.


  1. I don't Singapore is the shopping heaven, things here is not cheaper than those in China, especially in Hong Kong

    1. But don't you think that you can see shops everywhere and you can buy almost everything here?

  2. I like the hair cut shop there.

  3. When we have nothing to do,just go shopping,right? Haha.

  4. Maybe the price of clothes here are similar to that in China.And wish one day you are rich enough to afford all the price here!haha

    1. I must fasten my belt now because of the high price here....

  5. Go shopping - and in your case window shopping - is a great experience for some people. You need not buy anything; just go around and feast your eyes on all the goods on display. Observe the people also: the shoppers, their mannerism and the things they buy. It is quite an experience and an excellent way to wile away your time - if you have time to spare.

    1. Yes,of course. It is quite interesting shopping here and enlarge my views.I can learn a lot of experience here.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. For me,shopping is more like a pastime than buying.It is quite relaxing especially when I go shopping on holidays-without aim,just strolling around.Also,I developed an interest to observe pedestrians like me.I comment on their clothes with my friends;sometimes we even try to guess their jobs.In a nutshell,shopping can be enjoyable.Maybe we can go shopping together someday!
