Thursday 19 January 2012

How much do you learn about Xiaonian?


Xiaonian(小年), one of the traditional Chinese festivals, is generally celebrated on 23rd, in the twelfth month of the lunar['lju:n?] year。However, the time of its celebration varies from place to place, because of their different customes. In China, people usually start making special purchases for Spring Festival on this day. Also, they have to do thorough cleaning to clean away the dirt and the old of the past year and usher the new. Here, I want to talk about the origin of the xiaonian。
                                                         The origin of the off year    
      As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, Xaionian is generally regarded as the beginning of the new year and is also called Xiezao(谢灶)-means saying goodbye to Zaowangye(灶王爷), Jizao(祭灶)-means preparing some sacrifices for Zaowangye- festival(灶王爷节), Zaowang festival and so on. On this day, two major activities are a must to do. One is Saonian(扫年), the other is Jizao. Besides these two activities, Chizaotang(吃灶糖) is also very popular. In some places ,people usually eat Huoshao(火烧), Tanggao(糖糕)-sweets and candies, Youbing(油饼)- deep-fired dough cake and drink Doufutang(豆腐汤)- a kind of soup made of toufu.

小年吃糖瓜 比糖有营养
  According to Chinese legend, on this day, Zaowangye is to report to Yuhuang(玉皇) about the good and the bad things people have done in the past year. And then Yuhuang will decide what the people should get , rewards or punishments. Hence, when people say goodbye to Zhaowangye, they usually put candies, eau douce(清水), stover(秣草) and Liaodou(料豆), on the table before the portrait of Zaowangye to play up to him, the last three of which are prepared for the mount that Zaowangye rides when going up to the heaven. To make Zaowanye sweetmouthed so that he could say something good about the people rather than anything bad, they usually apply some malt[m?:lt] candy(originating in the Northeast,关东糖), which is melt with fire in advance, on Zaowangye's mouth.And this process is called Cizao(saying goodbye to Zaowangye). However,only men can do it according to the tradtional custom 'men do not worship month, a female not to people'.
   This year, it will be celebrated on 16th Jan. 2012(Wednesday). I hope all of you could have a joyous day!Happy Xiaonian and Chinese New Year!O(∩_∩)O~~


  1. Thank you ,Zhao Hang! I know more about Xiaonian after reading your blog.

  2. It's interesting to know this chinese tradition,which our younger generation has forgotten.However,we are supposed to pass it down to our children.

  3. What you shared sounds interesting. I did not hear much about Xiaonian here. Perhaps, as you say, the time that this takes place varies from place to place. That's why it doesn't seem well-known here. Thank you for sharing.
