Wednesday 25 January 2012

The tuition costs too much

blog 2

The tuition costs too much

The “tuition” for a lesson of failure in part-time work

It is true that I am facing a trouble, because the propagandistic team that I led in my hometown as a part-time work task before I came to Singapore proved failed, or, super-failed, with only 4% target reaching the standard. Isn’t it crazy? It does shock me a lot!!!The “tuition” comes follow.

It was an agreement with the boss before I arrived here in Singapore. It was my first time to take over this kind of task, so I spent weeks thinking the methods of how to create the advertisements well and assign the team to deliver them. When the advertisements were still on the process, I began to arrange the task of the team for several months later. It seemed serious, and in fact, it was, because we would make our boss either profit or loss. I invested nothing expect my time and energy, but the result really mattered the organization. That is to say, it was not a virtual game indeed. It certainly deserved my labor physically and mentally.

  I am glad that I gained the opportunity to study in National University of Singapore as a scholar, but at the same time, it seemed to be a challenge for me to finish the task so far away. I began to worry that how to lead the team to disseminate in the local area, which is the key to reach the goal. And then, I made a particular plan for each essential day, including what to do, who to do, who to be the principal of the specific job and so on, for the 4-day advertising period. I shared the documents to QQ group of the team, so that they can know the direction without my company. It seemed to be a detailed plan and can work smoothly.

However, this is not the case! I kept being on-line in QQ during the period, so that I could keep in touch with my fellows and be informed of their latest performance according to the document. But I got little news, few words in the group making me confused. I just wanted to fly back to see what was happening. Several days passed in such annoying silence, and came the news that we failed, super-failed! My heart broke into pieces in a split second, hey, it was just my “baby”! I could feel the chilling cold from my 4000-kilometer away hometown in this tropical country.

Of course, broken heart is not the end of the nightmare. Another challenge follows. How can I explain to my boss with such embarrassing that merely 4% target has been done?!Loss! Loss in finance and reputation of the organization! I felt guilty that I make the boss suffer loss. I felt better if it was my money. Well, anyway, as a leader, I should take up the responsibility. At least, it was I that should be blamed first. No excuse. It is really scaring to call in form the boss with this news, anyway.

I reflect back on the factors leading to the tragedy, concluded as follow. Most importantly, I could not attend the activities in the key period. Secondly, the amount of the posters was far from enough. Thirdly, it was not a good time for advertising was not quite appropriate.

A friend of mine told me that I don’t have to be so sad and that I should not only welcome victory all the time but also learn to embrace failure. I believe that he is right, I am too accustomed to success. And now, I am having the chance to become more matured. If I have another chance, I will still go forward! This is me.

The tuition is indeed deer, but it worths.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Blog 1 Chinese students in Singapore--worries and questions

A typical middle school classroom in China

Having stayed in Singapore for a month, I gradually get used to the educational style here. I thought a lot, however, more worries and questions arose as well.

Are you familiar with the pictures? These are photos about senior school life in China, which recall my memories of my school life. Everyday in senior high seemed the same, listening to the teachers, doing the endless text paper, check the answer and listening to the teachers again.

Education here is quite different from that in China. Singapore and many western countries regard creation as a significant part. While in China, education tends to teach students to solve a certain problem. For example, we Chinese students may do well in working under a task. But when it comes to coming up with a new idea, we are at a loss. That may be a reason why we always have nothing to say when asked if there is any question. In a nutshell, Chinese students are better at answering questions than asking questions.

I know little about the school life in Singapore. Are students heavy-burdened? Is their school life full of exercises and text paper?  Grown from so different educational environment, can we catch up with them in university?  Can I achieve what I expect after bridging course? I don't know the answers, maybe time will see.
Wish all the best for us and happy new year~

Friday 20 January 2012

Blog1:Shopping in Singapore

  As we all know,Singapore is a city(country) that is regarded as "shopping heaven".There are plenty of malls in Singapore here and there.What's more,most of the malls in Singapore are quite near from the MRT stations,which means that tourists will have a good time in these malls conveniently when they alight from the trains.Yesterday,Wang Yifan, Pan Long, Liao Yiyang and I went to a mall in Clmenti which is called "Clmenti Mall".There we just walked and walked finding that there are so many fantastic things but we could't afford them.What a pity!And then,to our surprise,we met Max who is a befriender in our camp.After the encounter,we continued to hang in the mall,however,we didn't buy anything because of the high price. What a pity!In the end,we took the MRT and got back to our hostel.Although we didn't buy goods after all,we have already felt the atmosphere of shopping.
 OK,it is my first blog that is written in English.If there are any mistakes,please point them out,thank you.

Blog1. Continuing topic

Thursday 19 January 2012

Blog 1: Oriental cherry festival: should Wuhan University be free for travellers

Oriental cherry festival: should Wuhan University be free for travellers  

Nowadays, students in Wuhan University are taking an initiative to debate about whether Hubei Travelling Industry should cancel the tickets fees during the oriental cherry festival .The focal point is that WHU should put their work target on the education or economic development of Wuhan.

         Annual oriental cherry festival is a rare and grand event for most travelers, but maybe a disaster for WHU students. During the Labor Vacation , thousands of visitors flood into WHU to appreciate the beautiful scenery , which bring large benefits to the local traveling industry as well as promote the consumption. But this phenomenon effect seriously on the students normal lives. They have to bear all day long noise floating from the outside classroom. Sometimes these noises even bother their rest at night. Meanwhile, these distractions make them hard to concentrate on their study, let alone make progress. What makes things worse is that many students complained that when they came to the canteen to have meal, they found all the dishes had been eaten out by the tourists. So that they had to find other restaurants outside university.

       In a nutshell, once the tickets fees be canceled, the situation will become even worse and out of control. So the students object strongly to this plan. In my view, although this plan will speed up the tourism and many other industries’ development, education is still the basic mission of WHU. So they should on the contrary take measures to prevent this phenomenon, such as limit the flow of tourists rather than influence students studying further.

How much do you learn about Xiaonian?


Xiaonian(小年), one of the traditional Chinese festivals, is generally celebrated on 23rd, in the twelfth month of the lunar['lju:n?] year。However, the time of its celebration varies from place to place, because of their different customes. In China, people usually start making special purchases for Spring Festival on this day. Also, they have to do thorough cleaning to clean away the dirt and the old of the past year and usher the new. Here, I want to talk about the origin of the xiaonian。
                                                         The origin of the off year    
      As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, Xaionian is generally regarded as the beginning of the new year and is also called Xiezao(谢灶)-means saying goodbye to Zaowangye(灶王爷), Jizao(祭灶)-means preparing some sacrifices for Zaowangye- festival(灶王爷节), Zaowang festival and so on. On this day, two major activities are a must to do. One is Saonian(扫年), the other is Jizao. Besides these two activities, Chizaotang(吃灶糖) is also very popular. In some places ,people usually eat Huoshao(火烧), Tanggao(糖糕)-sweets and candies, Youbing(油饼)- deep-fired dough cake and drink Doufutang(豆腐汤)- a kind of soup made of toufu.

小年吃糖瓜 比糖有营养
  According to Chinese legend, on this day, Zaowangye is to report to Yuhuang(玉皇) about the good and the bad things people have done in the past year. And then Yuhuang will decide what the people should get , rewards or punishments. Hence, when people say goodbye to Zhaowangye, they usually put candies, eau douce(清水), stover(秣草) and Liaodou(料豆), on the table before the portrait of Zaowangye to play up to him, the last three of which are prepared for the mount that Zaowangye rides when going up to the heaven. To make Zaowanye sweetmouthed so that he could say something good about the people rather than anything bad, they usually apply some malt[m?:lt] candy(originating in the Northeast,关东糖), which is melt with fire in advance, on Zaowangye's mouth.And this process is called Cizao(saying goodbye to Zaowangye). However,only men can do it according to the tradtional custom 'men do not worship month, a female not to people'.
   This year, it will be celebrated on 16th Jan. 2012(Wednesday). I hope all of you could have a joyous day!Happy Xiaonian and Chinese New Year!O(∩_∩)O~~

Adapted to the English learning here

                                     Adapted to the English learning here
      For an overseas student, it is important to adapt to not only the lifestyle abroad but also the learning style. Actually, I find it hard to accustom to the way we learn English here, and gradually I attempt to do so.
Obviously, the English classes in intensive course are quite different from those in China, make me feel hard. Firstly, we have to learn English for nearly 6 hours a day, which is a really long period compared to 1 class a day in China. Secondly, our tasks in class are diverse, including oral report, group discussion, presenting the discussion and so on, while in China, we have to do nothing but take notes in class. Thirdly, the assignments are various, writing blogs is also a kind of homework.
However, as we are going to learn English intensively for 6 months in this way, I have to adapt to it. Most importantly, I learn to like the differences rather than resisting them. The materials seemed boring to me at first, but when I read them by heart, I find that there are some useful methods for us. We can learn how to take notes, find out our own learning strategy with the instruction inside. On one hand, I try to engage myself in the lessons actively. It is useful, especially in the group discussion. After the discussions, I gained diverse perspectives of thinking. On the other hand, I make attempt to use English as often as possible. I seldom wrote blogs, needless to say in English. As it has become a part of our course, I train myself by writing daily in English, and I find it interesting to express my feelings and thoughts in this way.
English learning here are quite different, but when applying myself into it, it can also be enjoyable. After all, I am accustomed to it!

The New Adventure of Literature

  I’m always fond of English literature; however, everything I read was in Chinese. There are many books I like, for example, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice , George Orwell’s 1984 and Dickens’ Oliver Twist. After opening the books, I can see an adventurous world floating over the pages. Now I’m in Singapore, which offers me a great opportunity to read in English.
  Also, we have been taught reading strategy which I’d like to apply to my reading. Therefore in SELF I chose a novel called To Kill a Mocking Bird which I have heard before and started reading. The reason why I chose it is that it’s quite famous and relates to the human rights and Negroes in early 20th century, which I’m interested in. Also it is faced to younger reader, so I can start more easily. As told in class, skim first, and then read in detail. Despite the words I don’t know, I got the main meaning of the chapter 1 and found it attractive. However, there is still one problem bothering me, which is about new words. I don’t know when to look them up is proper. If I look up them during reading, it’s easy to forget the story and where I was and hard to recall. If I let them go, I will lose the chance to enrich my vocabulary even can’t understand the book. Can anybody give me some suggestions? 
  Due to books in SELF aren’t available when we are back, I bought two novels last week. I have heard them both before and saw the movie of October Sky. That’s an inspiring story about pursing dreams. And I will start reading it immediately.

 Although reading English novel is difficult for me, I believe one day I can enjoy my adventure without difficulty, which needs a lot of effort, skills and time. I’m sure that finally I’ll achieve it!

People Living in Harmony

           Although Singapore is a tiny country made up of people from different backgrounds,nationalities and culture,people here live in harmony and are really friendly to each other.I was always exposed to that atmosphere ,especially when I was in trouble.I want to share you with my personal experiences.
 Losing my nets card
           One day, my friend told me that there was a special offer for books in Eunos. L was very interesting in buying some books in a lower price,so I decided to go with him without hesitation. However, after a long journey,we finally got to the destination ,seeing a long queue twisting along the street from the bookstore.I was almost exhausted that time.I was so impatient that I chose to give up and left . Unfortunately, I found myself have lost my nets card.
Feeling upset and scared
           Losing that card meant losing 36 dollars.(about 36 dollar in that card)What’s more,I couldn’t find the way home.I lost my way in such a distant place! I could do nothing but stand at the bus stop , upset and scared. Luckily, a kind man told me which bus I could take to get to the nearest MRT station without nets card and I caught the bus . I still felt worried because I wasn’t familiar with this place at all and didn’t know which bus stop I should alight .
Warmhearted people
           I was very nerves , so I asked someone near me in random where I should alight in chinese(I was not confident with my English that time).A warmhearted young couple answered me and took me to the MRT station to get the temporary card .Afterwards, they took the MRT with me and asked me something about China .At that time, I felt at ease,not upset or scared any more . 
          One hour later, I got to the Boon Lay MRT station ,but I was in trouble again.I had difficulties sending the temporary card back .Luckily,a Malaysian helped me .I was a little shy and just said “thank you” to him with smile .
            With so many warmhearted people’s help,I went home successfully.
          The real situation is always reflected from such small maters. According to my own experience , I found people here live in a harmonious and peaceful way. I feel a great sense of safety  to study here.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

One Month In Garden City

        Till now, I have been to Singapore, the " Garden City", for nearly a month. And I have impressions on many things.
                         1) Singapore is a nice city for travelling
      As soon as I got down from the plane, I was attracted by the surroundings. I was fascinated by the blue sky, the green trees and grassy land. After I stayed in River Valley Hostel,  I have been to the beach in Sentosa. When the view of the golden beach against the sea came in my eyes, I wasreally attracted. It is report that there are average four trees for a man here. I think it's amazing.
2)NUS is a good place to study for me
        I am the kind of person who enjoys a silent environment to think and an active atmosphere to discuss with others. And I think NUS is a right place for me. Inside the campus it is very silent, and there are many places for studying silently. For instance, I really enjoy studying in SELF, which is cool and quiet. In addition, teachers often encourage us to discuss actively. I am fond of the method.
                                     3)People in Singapore
     I firmly believe that people here are very friendly. The befrienders of us do a lot of meanful and interesting things with us. The time will go by, but our friendship won't. Besides, our seniors and teachers also help us be familiar with society. However, they are very pleased and patient to spend time with us.I am deeply moved. All of you are really warmheared.
                                 4)Find a company
     I like playing badmintons very much. Who wants to play badmintons with me, please contact me. Contact me by phone, by QQ , by renren or whatever you like. We can build up muscle and friendship, together.
                                    5)Happy New Year
     As you know, the CNY is coming soon. Most of us will spend the first New Year's Day without our parents. But I am happy to be with you! All of us will not be lonely here with friends! May everyone happy New Year!! 

Good strategies lead to faster and greater success

Good strategies lead to faster and greater success

Everyone longs for the success, but actually only a few of us can master good strategies to be successful. Although there is no shortcut towards success except hard work, we still have to strive for success in a smart and right way.

  Maybe all of us know the significance of good strategies, which is just like the most convenient and fastest way to go a certain destination. You can also go there following other winding way, but it will certainly waste your too much time and energy. However, the question is that what is good strategies and how to get good strategies.

  I think good strategies is the best and the most appropriate method to do one thing, for example, the good strategies to learn mathematics is to really understand the theory as well as formulas, and then summarize from the exercise to avoid the same errors and master methods solving a series of problems under the same category.

  How to get good strategies? I think you can refer to others or Internet before do your works to know the best way of doing them. Consulting others who have done the same work before can help you avoid detour. What is more, you can also learn from your own experience and to get the strategies which are suitable for yourself.

   In a sum, good strategies are extremely important and it is beneficial for us to master them.

(blog1)Find You Own Learning Style

1.My Mentor Mr Clarence Lim

Mr Clarence Lim is my mentor in English learning group 7.He is an old man with great knowledge.He had been working for a press.He is great at teaching.
Mr Clarence always encourages us to read more.He always bring us some magazines and newspapers.It is ture that we like them very much.But it seems that Mr Clarence did not bring us enough magazines for I still haven't had a look of one of them.Besides bringing us reading materials,Mr Clarence always told us some good reading skills and some good aspects of reading.He hopes us to be a person who will never give up reading.
But sometimes Mr Clarence did confuse me.Once after my NUS's cheap breakfast,I came to the classroom to found that Mr Clarence has already been there.Then he asked me some questions.The fist one is easy to understand.It is about am I a member of his group.After my answer,he asked me the second question.But I failed to understand it(later I got that question from my group member.It is about treat him a breakfast or something).It is not because I not willing to treat you a breakfast but I did not understand what you told me.Mr Clarence is good at quick speaking and I can not always keep up with his words.
I know very little about Mr Clarence Lim. So if there are anything wrong with him.please correct it with your comments.Thank you!

Friendly People in Beautiful Country

  One month ago, I together with other students was on a flight from Beijing to Singapore. I still remember how complicated my feeling was at that moment. On one hand, I can’t describe the excitement in my heart; I have started imaging what kind of a life I’m going to live in Singapore even when the plain haven’t took off. On the other hand, after all, it’s the first time I go to a foreign country which is far away from my home and my hometown, so it’s no wonder I felt a sense of loss, because I won’t see my parents for a quite long time.

  When I arrived in Singapore, the first impression the strange city left on me is HOT. I felt how different it is compared to those typical Chinese cities.
  Except hot, I found Singapore is a really beautiful city, clear floor, green grass, tall tress and colorful flowers came into my view.

  After some days’ staying in Singapore, I got to know many Singaporeans.

  I found it’s a little unbelievable that people with different colors and beliefs can get along so well in such a small island. I believe it’s tolerance that make this multicultural society so harmony.

  And people here are really friendly. They are always willing to help those who are in trouble, no matter who you are, where you come from. When in a bus, if the driver learned you are new here, he will introduce something about this country to you and tell you when to get off. When in a MRT station, if you aren’t sure about your routine, the people there will guide you to your destination. When crossing a road, if you focus too much on your cellphone to notice the light has turned from red to green, people besides you will give you a signal.

  Those who I am most grateful are my befrienders.

  When we heading Singapore, it’s them to welcome us in the airport, which really left a great impression on me. Then after we settled in RV, they show us around and tell us a lot about Singapore, such as how to get to a supermarket, where to buy a cellphone card and where to change our money. But for them, we couldn’t get accustomed to this completely new country so soon.

  And they invited us to a big ship to celebrate our Christmas. It’s such an unforgettable experience because it was the first time I have a holiday in a foreign country, it was the first time I get on such a big ship.

  Then came the orientation camp, we played game together, went to fly kites near the western beach, went to have a BBQ in a church and prepare our talent show. Though we been together for only two days, during this period we got to know each other better. We really had a great time.

  Now, we don’t stay together, but we have built great relationship. We have become good friends, may be a lifelong friendship.

  Thank you, friendly Singaporeans and befrienders, you make us sm3 students feel that we are not alone, because you are always around us and ready to lend us a hand.

Blog1 (2) 18th Jan. 2012

It’s really a frustrating day! I always make the same mistake, and every time I did it, I would feel quite upset for the following days, got peaceful again until it faded from my memory. I can’t stand it!

When I got up in the morning, I couldn’t find my e-card for elevator in RVHS! When one loses things, it’s common he/she doesn’t remember where he/she loses it, so do I. I even don’t know whether I had placed it into my bag! It might drop out when I intended to take some tissues from the bag which I usually put my e-card in, when I was eating dinner with my roommate, or else. But the consequence is it can’t be found anywhere anymore, and I have to pay for 30 dollars to apply for a new one! So terrible it is!

This is not the first time I have lost things in Singapore, let alone in university. I left my spectacles in MRT when I hung out with my friends the other day. I realized the situation immediately, but it was late: I had alighted from MRT. Though I filled a form in MRT office, my spectacles went away, didn’t come back to me until now. It vanishes, forever.

Anyway, it’s no use to blame myself or think too much about the lost things. They were lost. The only thing I can do is taking care of my belongings and being a cautious person in future—How about my lost things and continuing the silly behavior of losing in future? 

Blog1 (1) 17th Jan. 2012

Today I want to write something rather abstract and hard to be expressed with words, music. The idea to write such a blog occurred to me when I came back from NUS, and boarded on the school bus, had nothing to do but listen to music to kill time. I have never written an essay regard to music in Chinese before, and I know exactly it’s far more difficult to write one in English. However, I decided to take the poisonous apple and have a try to write some thing about my favorite songs, XuSong’s songs.  

Today in our class, one of my classmates Yu Dong delivered an oral report in relation to love, which is almost the main topic of every popular song. I like XuSong’s songs very much. The most brilliant feature of his songs is that he can depict his pure love in a very obscure way, different from others’ direct expressions, such as “I love you” or something similar. The lyrics of his songs are just like Chinese poetry, all of his affections are not told straightforward, but in a rather beautiful way, filling the scenery with his affections, drawing a postcard vista full of his admirations.

Chinese literary authors have developed a habit of expressing emotion by depicting what they see and hear. However, natural scenery is no longer natural after writers put them into their passages. The scenery is attached with emotion, and it’s artificial since then. Only with real emotions, abundant experiences and deep thoughts can a writer writes great passages, the same goes when composer composes songs. XuSong’s songs never lack in true emotion and beautiful melody, what’s more , nearly all of them are composed and written by himself.

I do love XuSong’s songs to my heart, not only because it’s pleasant to hear and can arouse my sympathy , but also they reveals the true feeling of their composer, XuSong.

Hi,everyone here.

Hi,everyone here.

We have been here,Singapore for about a month.It is difficult to understand the style of the local people live a life at the begining.And after a month,difficult all the same.They have ";few"shops;thier foods
is more expensive to comepare with those in CHINA.So,we are proud of that most things here are made in CHINA now. : )

I like the climate here.Beacause it often rains and the air is alway wet with different smells in different days. To tell you the truth, I have a fear of cold.

There is little traffic jam in Singapore.Public transportation is quiet popular here.everyone is trying thier best to keep the environment tidy__maybe I am talking about the impressions of Singapore.

It's nice to study here with you.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Where Amazing Happens

Hello, boys and girls:

  This is my first blog.
  I write this blog because I want to tell you a secret ……


  The history has proved, my blog is a place where amazing always happens, you will find a lot of interesting and exciting things. So, please always keep an eye on the update of my blog … I promise you will find something meet your taste…
  And, thanks a lot for pointing out the mistakes and shortcomings in my blog…

First impressions of Singapore people

As for Singapore people, I can not say I have already developed deep acquaintance with them, since I have only stayed in Singapore for a month, but frankly I can say that, in my first impression, Singaporeans are kind and beautiful people.

I dare to say all of us truly enjoy a splendid time with our befrienders, who keep a company with us, take care of us, and do their best, in a rather natural way, for none benefits, to ensure our happiness and rid us of senses of loneliness. It’s hard to imagine what it will be like if we didn’t meet our befrienders, maybe we would stay in the hostel all the day and miss our families and friends in China badly, who are in our hometown, congregate joyfully, celebrating the new lunar year, compared to us staying alone in overseas.
At the talent show last Sunday, we were all impressed with performances of each group, tears dropped from some students’ eyes, for those who didn’t cry out, appreciation filled their heart as equal.

As we are new to Singapore, we usually have to ask the way. Singapore is a multi-ethnic country, and there is a language barrier in our communications with local people, especially Malaysians. Even though the barrier can’t be overcome in a few days since language learning is a long-term process, it never seems to be difficult for us to get to the destination, because Singaporeans are so warm-hearted that they even lead you to the place you’d like to get. And when we ask for information, they would explain it in detail and correctly. Sometimes we asked for many times because we couldn’t understand their expressions or pronunciations, but at any time, so long as we requested, they would answer, never mind taking the trouble.

I am not touting Singapore people at all, it’s what both you and I can feel: living with Singaporeans is really a great pleasure.

Monday 16 January 2012

how to learn English(blog1)

Many of us have at least learned English for more than six years,but in fact,we still cannot master it very well.What we do every time we speak English is just repeat Chinglish one more time.Therefore it is very important for us to explore some effective and efficient ways to English.

Always,we find it easy to spend two hours or more in learning English in a day or a week.But nearly nobody will do it in a month or a year.Why???Not interested,yes.Then no more problems???

Well,I believe that improper learning way is also the reason.A lot of Chinese just learn English by memorizing the meanings of words.To rote is surely a efficient way to answer the questions in the reading part in College Entrance Examination.But to learn a new language is more than a test.However,we have all been driven by the CEE to do something that is right for marks in a short term but do harm you in the long term.In this case you will often say some words grammatically right but difficult for native speakers to understand.

OK,we have known what we did in learning English is not appropriate.Then let's abandon this thoroughly.Here are the tips from some language experts.

1.just repeat again and again and again as much as you can,and read what interests you.If you do not want to read this,skip it.No harm.
3.Find some ways to prize yourself for your improvements.Be happy to tell others what you have achieved.
4.listen to BBC,VOA or something like that.You must learn the most standard from the very beginning.
5.try to practise your spoken English without the fear of making mistakes attention to collocation 
7.think and recall your mistakes regularly to avoid making them again
8.find a partner to learn with more interest.


Sunday 15 January 2012

Can we together make a list which contants almost all of the group in QQ releated to SM project

There are some group numbers I have already known:
76186412   the 7th group
100905324 18th sm3(NTU)
128385176 the 9th group
181299445 we are sm3
172088301 game group for RV
71077144   group for RV
That is what I can provide.
Hope for your comments.

Op About this blog^

    It's quite interesting to create a new blog just a month after I came to Singapore.It's mainly used for English writing ,especially for Intensive English Bridging Courses.
    As far as I'm concerned, I don't think a blog is just for developing writing skills, it's also a way of recording our lifes. Time flies and the moment we share together will vanish beyond our notices, however, a blog will help us memorize or revoke what we have forgotten.
    I may not write in English as much as I do in Chinese since I haven't develop an ability to express what I experienced clearly and vividly in English, but I will try, enjoy life and enjoy writing in English.

English study in Singapore

    We have been in Singapore for about 1 month ,the most thing we do is studying English.Most of us use much time to memorise the words and reading the news to enhance our English skills.Well,my English studying skills is different from others in some way.I usually studying English with dotaer by dotaing.Well,maybe it's a little bit confusing.Yeah,Dota is a worldwide game that have 10 players  in each competition.Ten players is divided into 2 groups.To win the game the members in each group  must cooperate mutual.I always play this game in America server by Garena game platform.English is a collective communicating  way in American as our Chinese using Chinese language.So in this English speaking  context.I can learn numerous words by playing the game.But,it's embarrassing to say that I can't catch up with their speed of typing words.Also I can't get their meaning when they use too much abbreviation.But I still can learn s lot by playing the game.I also study English by playing original American games,well it hasn't been translated,so I can listen and read from the roles' speaking in plots   and the description in the game.Well it's really hard to comprehend the English in the games ,but it can really help me in English studying,and it's also fun. I have played 2 games Rome-totalwar and Prototype here.English study in Singapre is really fun. 

test blog

hello everyone
this blog is just for test

welcome to my blog

   All of us have just applied for a blog just now.Now it's time for us to write something.After  thinking many things,I found I have nothing to say actually.Ok,I'd say thank you if you visit my blog,and of course I'll visist your blog later.I'd appreciate it very much if you can leave some comments.
  I think we can use blog to share our thoughts happiness.So let's do it now.
Hello, everyone. I've just created my blog account. Welcome to my blog and have a look. I'm looking forward to your treasured comment.