Friday 3 February 2012

Blog 2: The Volunteerism in Singapore

  I have found that the volunteerism in Singapore is more common and prosperous than that in China.More specifically speaking,in China,the volunteer service are mainly exist in universities, and the size and quality are slightly inferior.While in Singapore,the volunteer activities exit everywhere for the whole people at any age.And their tasks are all global.Perhaps that is because Singapore is so small and the residents are rich enough to support themselves.

      When I was on a visit to Logos Hope,a huge ship which sails to different parts of world to help those who are still struggle against poverty,I was deeply impressed by Dr Tan Lai Yong,who volunteered as a village doctor in Yunnan,China for 15 years.He realizes the value of life in this selfless and respected way.Perhaps both he and the staff on the ship take the beauty of  mind and the richness of  sprit  further more important than material satisfaction in their hearts.

   Also when I interact with my befrienders,I was surprised to find that nearly all of them had the experience volunteering to Africa or other continents in medical care or education.What's more, last Sunday,when Ms Antina took me to a Christ church ,it happened to be a report about their volunteer service in Bangladesh.Only after hearing so many Christian ,no matter old or young ,male or female,telling about their deep reflection on this special experience,did I realize that the volunteer spirit has deeply rooted in the Singaporeans hearts.

   I have determined  to be a volunteer at least once in the rest of my life,not only to experience the happiness of  given,but also let my life full of meaning.


  1. Did you mean you have been to different countries(a visit of Logos Hope)?
    I also want to do that,to be a volunteer,to serve other people who need help and to go to different part of the world.:)

    1. No ,I mean the ship(Logos Hope)sails to different countries to volunteer.And so far I have only been to Rusia and Singapore.I think to be a volunteer not only meets your heart of public welfare,but also make your life various and colorful,for you can go to different districs to experience different humanistic culture and custom.It's realy an essencial exeperience that every should enjoy.

  2. Maybe culture plays a great reason in this phenomenon .
    Chinese culture does tell us to help others as we can.But perhaps the idea that everyone concerns about own things and do not care for what is the matter
    with other's dog is more popular and influential.And the reform in 1980's has introduced lots of ideas like money worship.But China is developing this kind of matter now.We should expect a slim-jim becomes overweight in one night.

    1. I beg to differ,since if about culture,China has more than two thousand years of accumulation down virtue,in which the theory of"Ren" which is proposed by Confucius has influced countless generations of people's thinking.So it couldn't be a culture factor that beat a full of righteous cultural country.In my opinion,the reform during 1966-1976 is a huge incentive.After that,the quick development of technology and human relations apathy lead to the emergence of selfishness.But love is still rooted in our heart,only need a turning point to bud.

  3. because i am from Sichuan, i witnessed how people from different provinces and different countries help us when we were in such great trouble. so when the opportunity come, i will try to give my hand to those who really need it

    1. Yes,that disaster awakened the conscience hidden in people's heart,and infected everyone who witness it.It also strengthened my determination to help others.Maybe we can do volunteer work together some day in the future!

  4. In Wu Han, when I was studying in Hua zhong university of science and technology, I grasped the precious opportunity to volunteer to help the senior. They lived alone and felt lonely. When we came there, they were very happy and told us a lot of things about the history. After that experience, I found we gained much more than we gave and it was more a trip to add pleasure to life of our own than to theirs'. So, when I read your blog, I had a faint excitement to participate in this kind of activity here, in Singapore. If you have any opportunity to volunteer, kindly you inform me. I am extremely glad to jion you.

  5. I do not know much about volunteerism in China,but I agree that it is rooted in culture and history. I share the same opinion with you and Franklin that the sudden boom of economy brought along some negative impact on people's general concept.Anyway,as for volunteer,maybe I will never have the opportunity to travel on the Logos Hope.However,I will seek such chances to serve others.
