Sunday 19 February 2012

Team Work (Blog 3)

Recently, I have been exposed to lots of experiences andinformation of teamwork. It impresses me deeply.
Know more information by chance
Two weeks ago, we, a small group,made a presentation. (Food Guard, do you still remember?) It is my first formal teamwork product and we spared lots of effort on it. As a result, it is not too bad. In this case, teamwork played a vital role and we work hard together.Still, we met many problems about teamwork. I started to think about working asa group.
After that presentation, I ran into a NUS graduate. He said, ‘teamwork is increasingly important nowadays. In21st century, great discoveries of science are always found by teams. Hero scientist like Einstein can hardly been seen any more.’ 
What is more, I inquired something about teamwork of a civil engineer (also a NUS graduate). Similar advises came to me,‘ in civil engineering project, people always work as a teamto discuss about the design. If you don’t have a good skill to express your ownperspective, no matter how professional you are in this area, your design won’t be accepted by your teammates. Generally, man of higher position is more capable of communicating with others and persuading subordinates.’
Reflection on teamwork
According to the limited experience on teamwork, I find some problems. Sometimes, small conflict is unavoidable. If not dealt properly, it will make teammates work negatively,resulting in low efficiency. I need to learn a lot about how to listen toothers, even not quite willingly, and come up with my suggestions in a way that teammates will not feel being offended. Also, the ability of coordinating the team is crucially important. Sometimes, I should compromise and persuade others do it willingly as well. Only in this circumstance reconciliation can be available. In this case, everyone can have a voice in this team project,instead of being monopolized by someone. And the discussion and work atmosphere will be activated. Ultimately, the result of teamwork will be better and the cooperation itself will be more effectively and become an unforgettable memory.Wonderful, isn’t it?    


  1. The presentation is really a unforgettable memoryof me. Hope for another collaboration with you:D

  2. What is wrong with your article format? There is no space between two words at many places~I guess may be your APPLE PAGES is not compatible to bloggers~

  3. Year,very good cooperation. Next time it will be better

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! Still, some problems occurred, so we have a lot to learn about teamwork.

  5. This passage is not only an argument on how to establish an excellent team, but also a monument to our perfect performance in class!

    Food Guard, Guar-d F-o-o-d!!!

    1. Year,good cooperation will not only make work easier and more efficient, but also will a unforgettable memery for all the team members. It is very delightful to work with you.
