Monday 13 February 2012

Reading Journal

      We have learnt three strategies to improve our reading rate last week.They are a preview, skim, and cluster.These tips are useful despite the fact that we have to give up getting some details from the paragraph by using them.However, I am successful in comprehending the main events and increasing my reading rate.With consideration, I think even though these techniques speed up my reading rate, I cannot read more precisely.So I think the latter strategy " cluster" is most useful, because I can get more information about the paragraph and find the good sentences to learn from.I think after practicing. These skills will become more workable to me and help me to read articles quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you have understood how to read. In everything we do, we must have a purposeful approach. Go back to first principle for a systmatic and logical approach to learning.
