Thursday 1 March 2012

Keep a Childlike Mind (Blog 4)

All children, except one, grow up. This is the beginning of Peter Pan, a fancy novel. I become addicted to it and now I almost finish it. Peter Pan is the forever boy who lives in Neverland. Despite they sometimes fight with horrible pirates, Peter, lost boys and their new mommy, Wendy lead a fantastic life, accompanied by redskins, mermaids, crocodiles, and fairies. Peter Pan leads me to a tremendous world and reminds me of memories from childhood. It occurs to me that if we never grow up, what will we gain or lose? Admittedly, with time going by, we gradually lost innocence, imagination, and intimacy between parents and us.
  Firstly, we start to become sophisticated and lost our innocent mind. Children always believe in virtue and glamour. For example, I used to believe that good person finally would beat evildoers. However, the more knowledge we have learnt and the more incidents we have been through, the more disappointed we feel about the world. Maybe effort may not be paid back; dreams may never be achieved; the one we love may never get together with us. We come to realize how practical the world is and eventually get accustomed to it. At least, hope for a better tomorrow and belief in goodwill should be kept in the heart. With them, we can change the world.
  In addition, after growing up, vivid imagination vanished. Peter always do something make believe, such as drink make-believe medicine which is water indeed and eat a palatable meal which is totally imaginary. Likewise, we used to create a wonderland where we were the king, the superman, the monster and whatever we wished. Moreover, we never doubted the existence of the wonderland and always expected fairies to pick us up to start a fantasy journey. Conversely, nowadays, if a fantasy idea comes up, we will immediately stop it and question ourselves whether it makes sense. What a pity! It is time to find back our imagination and transform it into innovation in study.
Last, we become more independent, however, the distance between parents and us becomes larger. In the Peter’s story, Wendy and lost boys come back to their mothers’ embrace. It is touching that a little child cuddles up to his mother. Actually, no matter how old we are, we still are our parents’ little kid. Therefore the next time returning home, give them a big embrace and tell them “ I love you”.
  Actually, it is really pleasant to recall all these childhood memories. Also, it is no wonder that everyone feels familiar with Peter Pan’s adventure because it is always stored in our memory and never decays! In conclusion, we should always keep a childlike mind, with innocence, imagination and love, in this realistic world. Although we are not children anymore, believe me, we can still fly back to Neverland one day!


  1. It really reminds me of your label:cute boy!!!haha

  2. Maybe everyone has a childlike mind in their deep heart,but in real life too many trifles let us have no time to express it.It is because we have more duties that we can not shuffle out as we grow older.Perhaps one day,when I am tired ,I will stay alone,nothing to think,then I will find the previous innocence, imagination and love in my past childhood.

    1. Maybe oneday when you are depressed and stressed, if you take out this precious memory, you will find happy again!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Whether one chooses to stay childlike or mature depends on his or her goals, or ideal lifestyle.

    Life is a long process, which contains not only childhood but also adulthood. In childhood we experience the happiness of being a child, and in adulthood we enjoy being an adult. None of them should be emphsized too much.

    This blog tells us that we should keep a childlike mind, however, after all kinds of analysis and illustrastions, this passage doesn't show a child mind. Is it just a slogan?

    Child mind is a state of mind without conscious pursue. That may be the key point of it.

    1. Childlike mind is just a state of mind which is full of innocence, imagination and love. There are many shining points we can learn from children. Yes, a mind without conscious purse, that is the point.

  5. It is difficult to have childlike innocence in this fast-pace modern technological world.It is ironic that children want to grow up quickly and beocme adults, and some adults want to be childlike forever.We should aspire and indeed be chillike for as long as we can to bring some aainity and natural order to the corrupt and decadent world we are in today. Yet we must be guard agains childish beahviour and thoughts.

  6. good work,great work,excellent work!

    to be childlike is not easy sadly

    1. Admittedly, it is hard. However, we can keep the memory and tell this to our children oneday!

  7. Cute boy, surely you did an impressive reflection. Childhood is the most memorable in our life, so we always dreams of turning time back. Therefore, we could have this sweet period once again, whereas the reality is cruel because we must face to the society. We have no choice but to be mature. That is the LIFE we have to accept.
    Oh,c'est la vie.

    1. Mr Sun, you are really like a poet! Especially, you use the French words "c'est la vie". I agree with you because this is life we have to accept. However, we can keep these shiny qualities in our mind and express them via actions to make the cruel world better!
