Thursday 1 March 2012

Blog4:Reflections on “Wake up Your Dreams”

    Recently, I am reading a guide book called “wake up your dreams”. Now I have finished the first part. (Actually it has eleven parts =-=)
    Nothing is impossible for those who dream, which is the name of the first part. In this part the author told us that we are supposed to capture the dream. He made an analogy that capturing the dream is like digging for gold. Without digging and much work, we cannot discover the “treasure” of our dreams beneath the ground. What’s more, no great dream is superficial or a mere fantasy, so we must chase them with long and hard work.
    Next, he said that we should take our dreams seriously. Even though it is a simple and small dream, we should not ignore, overlook or discard it. In addition, he suggested that we should not minimize our dreams. One “small” dream set in motion is powerful enough to unleash the potential in other dreamers and, dream by dream, to reshape the world. (p17)
After I read the first part, I was deeply impressed with the words he wrote. Now I realize what my dream is and know what I am supposed to do.

At the end of this part, he came up with some questions which can help us find a dream. I put them here for you if you want to find a dream.
1.      What do you most enjoy doing?
2.      What do you do best?
3.      When you daydream, what do you think about most?
4.      What do you want to learn more about?
5.      If you had a day to do absolutely anything you wanted, what would you do?
6.      What touches your emotions more than anything else?
7.      What have you received the most compliments for doing?
8.      What captures your interest most?
9.      Whom do you most admire, and why?
10.  What are the basic characteristics of, or skills involved in, the occupations you most respect?
11.  What are you most confident about?
12.  What would you be willing to exchange your life for?
Try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.


  1. Reading is a good habit! It seems you really got something from your reading!

  2. I have many dreams but they are still sleeping...I will wake them up now.Maybe you are ringt that however negligible the dream is,we can not discard it,since if we maximize it,then miracles do happen.

  3. If only all of us can adhere to your advice and follow it through with real action. The world is full of dreamers - they dream of getting rich and other forms fo self-gratifications; some do dream of doing good for mankind; a few may actually dedicate themselves to fulfil their dreams. I hope more people will dream and act on their dreams. Even so, the list of questions is useful and makes readers pause and think seriously about what they really want in life. So dream on ... .
