Saturday 10 March 2012

(blog4)Diffrence btween food

Since I have been in Singapore for nearly three months, I want to wirte something about the differences of pancake and Chinese burger between Singapore and China.

Firstly, I want to talk about the pancake in Singapore. There is a very famous pancake in Singapore--prata, which is from India.It is very delicious and every morning you can see many SM3 students buy it ,includingme. thre are three kinds of prata,plain,egg,and cheese. However, in China, the pancake contains sauger, meat, vegetables, or nothing. What is more, the material of the fiour also has many kinds while in Singapore it is ususally white flour.However, I prefer the prata because of its difference taste from Chinese pancake and the way to cook prata is interesting!

Next, I'm willing to write something about Chinese burger, which in Chia is called 'baozi'. In China ,there many kinds of 'baozi',in diiferent area, for example,TianjinGoubuli, xiaolongbao,KaiFengguantangbao. However, in my opinion, there are two main type of Chinese burger.One is the sweet and the other is salty. In China, baozi 's contains are always vegetables and meat, sometime there is soup in it.In Singpore, there are a range of contains of both the sweet and the salty, such as dousha, lianrong, and butter . What is more, in the salty, there are always chicken and pork while in China it is always pork and beef.
In conclusion, both China and Singapore have kinds of delicious food, and we can see the difference and similatity between them.Furthermore, we can still see the culture differences behind the food. So, to some extent, it is really a delicious way to study the culture differencess through food.


  1. can there be some soup in Baozi? i have never seen it

    1. of course,灌汤包,have you ever try it?
      it is very delicious!!!

    2. I firmly suggest you try it.If you want ,welcome to HENAN to try it.HAHA

  2. Ya, the Chinese food here is not quite traditional, though they are chinese food. But anyway, it is understandable. Because of singapore's culturL background, there of course are many merges between cultures. Food as part of culture should change as well. Emma, however I do not find it so strange, maybe because I was born in southeastern china.

    1. haha, to me, I think Singapore's food is better than some kind of food inChina.once I have had breakfast in southern China, I really can not eat them because the "zhou", is salty!What is more, once I ate in Chong qing, you can imagine my feeling during that time because I seldom eat spicy food.

  3. Good work!Your blog introduce the “baozi” precisely.The other thing I should say is that “baozi” is brilliant and delicious.Though we can find baozi in Singapore, they are not as delicious as in china.What a pity!Moreover,prata taste also good but no better than "Chinese egg pancake".

  4. i think the food in Singapore is also delicious. such as Indonesia BBQ, and Japanese food. But some food really does not meet my taste, such as muslim food, because it is so colorful and strange that i even do not dare to eat it. Besides, the BAOZI is also good, but it is too too too expensive

  5. After reading your blog, I recall my wonderful memories when I ate steamed buns. It is hot and very delicous, especially the oil which sheded when I bite. I used to eat over eight of them, and I got full soon. However, after half an hour, I wanted to eat them again. They are always so irresistible, aren't they? However, I haven't tried the prata. From your selected pictures, I can see they may taste good as well. Probably, I will try them soon. Then, we can exchange more about it. O(∩_∩)O~

  6. well,boys.stop thinking in that way.
    in fact,the food in singapore is not as bad as we think as long as we put aside all the basis.
    try our best to accept that and we will find the food is delicious
    if not,i cannot help you unless you recover from the culture shock.
    hope you all can get used to the local food soon

    1. So far , I have not get used to Singaporean foot yet.I have tried my best to accept those strange cuisines but with little success.After this hard experience I have found it not a matter of attitude but really a matter of personal taste! Hope I can adapt to it as soon as possible.Otherwise I will die of hunger...

    2. Well I do not think Singapore's food is bad ,but it is delicious in a diffrernt way .What is more, I am confused about your basis. To chenyang, I have found a place , the burger in it is quite good, and it tastes like ,combining the two kinds of burger together, it is in the Science canteen ,you can try it .You can also find someone who is good at cooking around you.Please she or he help you with your dinner^_^
