Thursday 1 March 2012

blog writing 3:my reflections on the cultural tour.

~My reflections on the cultural tour~
little india
During the cultural tour, we visit Pernakan Museum, little India and so on. However, many of us complained that we didn’t go to Sentosa and thus felt a little disappointed. But now, looking back at the tour, I find we got more from it than from Sentosa (if we had gone to). While almost everyone coming to Singapore may well know Sentosa and will probably go there, they may know little about peranakans and have no idea of Little India. However, these two things are very important for us newcomers. The peranakans are the blend of Chinese and Malay descent; in little India, foreigners can appreciate the unique Indian culture of Singapore. 
peranakan museum
Thanks to them, we can gain deep insights into Singapore`s history and culture. As a result, we can get integrated into Singapore as soon as possible, which Sentosa does little help. Besides, since there are so many commercial places similar to Sentosa in world`s other areas, such as Hawaii or Los Angeles, it makes no difference whether we go to the USA or Singapore. In contrast, we will never really know little India unless we go there. Also, it should be noted that cultural tour is not just for fun; more importantly, it is to help us see the real Singapore and to obtain a fully understanding of it history and culture. Now I do not complain of the cultural tour anymore; on the contrary, I genuinely appreciate it and feel sincerely grateful for MOE (Singapore).


  1. Yes!I like the cultural tour^_^!Hope for the next time!

  2. Culture tour is so far away from us. But we really know sg better.

  3. Yes, I totally agree with you. Traveling is meaningful especially because of splendid culture and hostpitable people in spite of luxury hotels and goods. Nowadays, I have heard a report that many Chinese go aboard to buy luxury goods and leave a extreme bad impression on those country. Apparently, they did not realize what the real meaning of traveling. Conversely,like cultural tour, we learnt a lot about this city and promote our love for it. I always have a dream which is to visit Rome standing under the splendid dome of Sistine Chapel. Emmmm...traveling is meaningful so as cutural tour.
