Thursday 1 March 2012

Using suitable idiom (Blog 4)

Using suitable idiom
           To begin with ,let me share the difination of idiom with you.Idiom (Latin: idioma, "special property", f. Greek: ἰδίωμα – idiōma, "special feature, special phrasing", f. Greek: ἴδιος – idios, "one’s own") is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is comprehended in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made.(From  Wikipedia)
           Even though using idioms can polish our composition and make it much more vivid and native than before,the listener might mistake its actual meaning if he or she has not heard this figure of speech before.Those unfamiliar with a new language are easily to be confused by the idioms,  that is why students of a new language must learn its idiomatic expressions as vocabulary.
           Besides, in some cases, when an idiom is translated into another langusge, probably its meaning will be changed or become meaningless.Consequently,in our paragraph writing we sometimes misuse the idioms which were translated by us words by words.As a result, the idioms those are misused are always circled by our teacher especially me.For instance, we always descibes the loyalty of a couple by using"until their head become white" which is meaningless because head cannot become head but hair can.Even so ,you can use"grow along with sb.","have a wonderful night","happiness increase with age"," spend the rest of sb. life with ab." be dying to be with sb."have a long life together".
          Last but not least, it is extremely necessary to learn a new language by leaning its culture. Subsequently,idioms are  now not considered part of the language, but part of the culture.


  1. I think we should pay more attention to the idioms ,and I think that is the same with why Chinese poems lose their beauty when they were translated into English

  2. Yeah,sometimes the translation does not work,so you should manage to get familiar with the culture.Honest to say, I am really weak at the using of idiom.......

  3. Idioms are really different between Chinese and English. But there are still some idioms share the same meanings. Of course, studying English idioms will help us improve our English.

    1. Yeah,Idioms are a part of Language Culture.

  4. Society and culture are the same generally across civilisations. Humans are concerned with survival, comfort, ethics, values etc. everywhere. Hence, the idioms in one language/ culture must have their equivalent in another. It is unlikely that two idioms across languages are alike. But the meaning may be similar. There is no need to translate; in fact, translation will usually end up rather miserably in mangled language. Using idiomatic language is a mark of educated and elegant prose. If in the process of using idioms of a foreign language, one also learns about the culture, it will be a bonus.

  5. Actually, language is quite a intruding things, for its cultural background not as a communication tool. What makes language meaningful not only lies in its daily use. Languages including idioms have various expression that can let out our inner voice. People tend to socialise. People need to express their emotion.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are right.That's why we need to learn idioms.

  6. Yeah, sometime when an idiom is translated into another language, it loses its erstwhile meaning. Actually, I think people should not translate it and the best way to understand it is to learn the language which this idiom belongs to. Next time we should concentrate on the practical meaning instead of the superficial meaning.

    1. I agree with you.Learnin a new language also means learning a new culture.
