Monday 26 March 2012

Blog 6 Did we really evolve from apes?

Did we really evolve from apes? It seems a commonsense to all of us(I mean, Chinese students). However, to be honest, even the author of On the origin of species, the household biologist Darwin could not assert it. Though enormous evidence have been found to support Darwin’s artificial theory (it is not a truth before it is proved on every aspect), the focus of the problem, “how did human evolve from apes” is still lack of enough proofs. According to Darwin’s theory, all creatures on earth evolved gradually from some simple marine animals, whose ancestors amazingly were non-biological things, some gases in the atmosphere in the early earth. This theory explicates the question which perplexes human for a long time, “Where do we come from”, and soon became predominant all over the world. Though unwillingly, facing the facts, some religions are compelled to concede that human are not the decedents of god, who they regard as the creator of the world, and everything.  

Times came to the 20th century. With the development of science and technology, more alternative approaches are available for biologists to explore the mystery and lift the veil of the truth of the problem. After a series of excavations around the world, scientists confidently allege that during the course of evolution, there used to be a period, named the Cambrian (Period) in geology, when numerous creatures suddenly came out at the same time. Therefore, Darwin’s theory faces the biggest challenge since its birth, and it may take a long time before this conflict subsides.

We accepted Darwin’s theory in school before having considered its authenticity. Despite its applications in a broad range, some thesis of this theory need to be amended by the people, who are in the later time and receive rather than devoutly believe the theory. We should think critically and cultivate the spirit of pursuing for truth, instead of mechanically learning without digesting and thinking.

During the people’s congress that did not end long ago, some delegates propose that the content about the evolution theory should be crossed out because increasing evidence indicate errors in the theory. Arguments against the theory overwhelm the congress. But from what I am able to glean, it seems it has not been adopted by most delegates. In my view, to deny and delete the theory is not a proper solution to this problem. We may put two kinds of theories in our textbooks, and irrigate students a clear and extensive view on the problem.—But it may puzzle for test-makers, because students can answer in two ways. Ultimately, is the truth more significant, or reducing markers’ work?



  1. When Darwin put out his opinion, he gave out the evidences meanwhile. However when our textbooks illustrate the evolution theory, they omitted a great deal of scientific statistics. So what the textbooks taught us is not a theory, but an index. Wheather you receive the theory or not depend on the afterward thinking which can be omitted if you are not interested in biology. In short, our textbooks just brodered our knowledges rather than give us a scientific definition or theory.

  2. For the vast majority of Chinese students, it is absolute the truth that human beings evolve from apes. No one will question it. However, what they do not know is that it is just a theory created by Drwain, or even less than a theory but a assumption. With the advancing of technology, more evidences will come out for or against the theory. There is possibility that a brand new theory will outdo and supersede this theory. I belive that we are from apes, though.

  3. Which congress and delegates did not subscribe to the Darwin's evolution theory? This is a perennial question: Are we Fallen Angels or Risen Apes? Does it matter at all? If Darwin's theory isn't a theory, then how can we state that the majority of Chinese students accept as absolute truth that humans evolve from apes? The more we read and learn the more we should question all these 'absolute truths'. Isn't it amazing, as you mentioned, that we were once non-bilogical elements? Like the universe we were made from gases!

  4. With the rapid developing of science and technology,people know more about the world. Meanwhile,the "truths"are being tested as well.What is regarded as truth may proved to be fallacy.This is why critical thinking plays an important role in scientific study.
