Thursday 1 March 2012

Elevator heart (Blog 3)

Elevator heart
        To begin with,let me share with you my experience several days before. My roommate and I needed to board the bus at eight to enter an activities organised by MOE but the clock was set wrongly so that we woke up late at that day. Therefore, we put on our clothes in hurry and try to go downstairs by the elevator. Unfortunately, as we went to the outside of the elevator, the elevator didn't go up to our stairs because it had already boarded enough people so that it went down rather than going up.So we kept up waiting for about 10 minutes and miss the bus. As we went down to the first floor we found many NTU sm2 students sitting at the dining hall, then we knew why we could not board the elevator.That is what I call "elevator heart", it is the people's eagerness to use the elevator to make it convenient for them during the busy time. Consequently, it lead into the case that other people cannot finish their urgent thing and also the weak use of sources.Can elevator heart be avoided? The answer is absolutely yes.
       First,we should be conscious of what is busy time and what is not.Well,definitely around eight o'clock is a busy time and during this time you should better consider that if you have to use the elevator.If it is not, you should  not better use the elevator because maybe there are some people encounter  emergency.You should when you are make convenience for others and they also do this for you in return.So restrain your "elevator heart" when it is a busy time to others.
       Secondly, in RVSH we often meet the situation that after the RV's conference, many people crowded at the first floor to wait for the elevator.Nonetheless,it cost a long time to get back to your dormitory.I have a solution to make use of elevator efficiently.It is common sense that guys can use staircase to go down and up but gals cannot.Therefore I strongly suggest that we should let girls use the elevator first. Then boys use elevator equally to get to the third floors and use the staircase.It will save time for almost  everyone and we can also exercise by walking. 
       In a nutshell, we should be magnanimous no matter in which case. Only understand and tolerate can make this world a better place to live in.
(Elevator heart is  collocation that is made by me, hope you are not confused by its strange combination)


  1. Haha~I think the new phrase you make will be popular among us

    1. My twin brother always use "Carry Heart" when we played Dota together,the "CH" means you are a "ganker" or "assistant" or "pusher" and you want to be the master at the last period of the game.What inspires me of"EH" is the word that we twins used to say.

  2. I also think that the elevator in RV H3 is not capable to deal with our sm students' rush hour.

  3. It is a clever phrase but unlikely to catch on. If we accept "elevator heart" then we ought to accept "bus heart", "MRT heart", "toilet heart" etc. No, we should stick to collocations used by educated English speakers. Hence, have a heart and consider the interest of millions of other English speakers and not impose your new idiom on them.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment.Meanwhile,I should say that I donot mean to create a new idiom; the title is just a hook.Besides,I claim that it is not a formal collocation at last.After taking your words into consideration, I realize I should make improvement on expressing so that I would confuse the audience.Thank you.

  4. I have been through many elevator problems too! It has irritated for a long time. Once we were stuck between two floors which was a thrilling experience! Indeed, like what you mentioned, in the public place we should be magnanimous. Too many people only consider their own rights and convenience. If we think about others more , the world will be better.

    1. We should be magnanimous all the time. Besides,I have to say that I need to review my vocabulary lest I forget it for I just cannot recognize the word "magnanimous" that I have used.HaH

  5. Yes, the elevator almost gives me a heart attack. I think someone's behavior that they press the button of going up when you are to go down is really disgraceful. They don't consider the feeling and interests of people living in high level at all. If everyone obey the basic rule, the elevator will work more efficiently. It is more convenient for everyone regardless which level they live in.

    1. Yes, you are right.As a high level resident,we have to go down in order to aboard the elevator early.Even though, I have to say that it's hard to make a judgement on others.What we can and should do is to descipline ourselves to make a better world.
