Monday 5 March 2012

【blog 4】the disappearing book stores

         Books have been being with me from when we were children. In developed countries, books are dear and people prefer to read using machines such as phones, pad, e-book etc. The situation in developing countries trends in same way.E-reading becomes increasingly popular. In contract, markets of paper books are facing the problem of deficit. When I went to a book store, there were always many people reading and walking around but few people bought books. As are result,some book stores cancelled the seats beside the shelves. Few students like me sometimes chose sitting on the floor to finish reading an interesting novel. There were still some people loving reading paper books but anyhow the number of people had becoming decreasing. At past, the pirate books took a big part of book market, but students even do not buy pirate books now let alone the expensive ones in book stores. Book market becomes less prosperity and going into liquidation turns into a common problem which lots of book stores and big companies are faced with. Trying to please the public with claptrap, some young graduators set up a kind of bookstore called close down in 30 daysThe idea works well, but it is obviously could not change the situation that almost other book stores have few customers. In honest, the rest rooms of bookstores are the tidies among the public.


  1. This phenomenon is worth paying attention.
    In my opinion, the other reason why fewer people go to bookstore is the prices of books
    soar highly in recent years. For poor students like me, I have no choice but to read e-book or go to library to borrow books. The number of customers get less, thus leading to the lower profit of book selling industry. In order to make money, book seller again raise the prices.
    This circuit is terrible.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. it is not a good phenomenon, but it is the trend of the development of our society. as far as i am concerned, e-books are convient for us and portable, which can indirectly protect our scarce forest resource.
    by the way, you'd better pay attention to your grammar and usage of some words.

  4. well,i insist that the book stores will never totally fade because of the demand (or need). i mean,although the impact of e-books plays a significant role in the gradual disappearance of book stores but the e-books can never replace it

  5. oh~I really donot know you like the book store ,and I like it ,too:D.ThoughI do not know what kind of feeling it is, but sit in a book store always give me a kind of pleasure

  6. Actually, the trend of reading way is transforming now. We should admit that the paper is no more popular than before. Of course some paper books are more worth being enshrined than the soft copies. However, soft copies are more convenient for us to carry, and producing paper can cause lots of environmental problems. Therefore, I believe that in the future E-reading will take place of this old fashion.

  7. I agree strongly agree with you because I have seen some book stores closing , for example, Pageone, a big chain stores company, decided to leave Singapore and their store in Vivocity was closed. It is quite a pity that we have few chances to spend whole afternoon to read in a book shop. Another reason for the decreasing number of book stores is that online book selling websites provide us a cheaper price. I enjoy buying books online and hate reading e-books which is harmful to our eyes. Maybe bookstores today should expend their business online and try to minimize the cost of book produce.

  8. I share the same opinion with Liu Ziyan.On 23th Feb.,I witnessed how Page One moved out from Vivio City.At that time,all the books were at a discount of 70%.Maybe then would people crowd in and pick up their favorites.I even saw some people drag their suitcases and filled them with books.I was not sure which capture me more,the delight to see so many book-lovers or the sadness for book markets.

  9. I like reading paper books but if all of the book stores are closed, where will I buy a paper book. I can not image that day. Although I like paper book very much, what can I do to change this kind of situation? I can not find an idea. Maybe I should get used to the E reading trend.
