Saturday 24 March 2012


(This is a story,interesting)
"It 's amazing!"Paul told Marry, as they were walking out of the theatre after the magic show,"Can you imagine how there can be a hand through the mirror?I bet it is real magic!"
"Come on", Marry interrupted him since his non-stopping praising for half an hour, "There is no magic in this world,they are just thricks to fun the fool, like you. Mirror is always mirror."
Paul looked at her in surprise,"I thought that you liked magic,didn.t you? "
"Not any more",Marry said, without turning back to him,briding to the bus station. 'Well, ",Paul shrugged,"It is ok."Then he followed her to take the bus back to the school library.
When Marry was willing to slot her card to enter the library, she turned back ,with a surprised face,"It is your card, look at the number!".    "Are you kidding me?Mine is here."Paul passed his card to Marry, Yes, it is Paul's face and name, but the number was Marry's.Well, Marry said to herself, it is ok if I can enter the library with it. As they entered the Library, they got to the counter to return the books .Then , Marry shouted again, "It is not my books, it is yours!". "You are really good at kidding."Paul grinned."Mine is here."
"I can not be so sure,I borrowed this because of your suggestion, because I got a 'c' in the exam,......"
"Are you crazy?"Paul stopped her,"You got a "A" and I got a "C", look at the paper!"Paul drew out a sheet of paper and pass it to Marry.Yes , it Paul 's name and a 'C' on the top of the paper,"How can?",Marry whispered,"Forget it,",Paul smiled and patted on her head.,"You are not in state today."
"There are so few people here,", Paul whispered to Marry as they found  a table ."Yes , you are right, "Marry answered, looking around,"Today is Monday, there are always many people."
"Well ,maybe you are not the only one who is crazy today."  Paul said  ,smiling to her.
For the first time today ,Marry noticed that his way of smiling was strange, but it was still familiar to her. Then , something scaring happened, Paul 's face was changing, His strong eye-brow turned thin ,and his hair became longer and longer, what is more, his face became the most familiar one in this worrld to Marry,
It was her own face.Then she realised that why Paul 's smile was strange but familiar, It was her way to smile!With a high scream, Marry jumped to her feet and ran as fast as she could.      She ran so fast that she could not stop herself when a big mirror suddenly appeared,
She knocked the mirror.
Strange, again ,she did not feel painful ,and she could clearly hear the sound of the glass broken .The sound became louder and louder, it sounds like clapping, and whistle.
Marry woke up.
" The show is really boring , isn't it?"Paul said.
"Enn, What?"Marry responded.
"A magic fan like you has fallen asleep, the magic really has a dark future."
"Well you know,"Marry said,"You are more cute when  you believe magic."
Then , she jumped up and clapped like others.

1 comment:

  1. Is it your original superficial?
    I think u may have the talent in telling stories. At last I did not think u r telling a fictional story.
    My comment is that it is quite nice but the final result make me think back an old narrative style.
