Monday 26 March 2012

[blog 6] back to Tang dynasty

 Since I was born, I have watched many TV dramas and movies set in ancient China. And I feel it is a shame that I do not have the opportunity to live in old China to experience a totally different kind of life.

  In my childhood, I always dreamed back to Tang dynasty, when China was the most powerful country in the world. People around the world were trying to study Chinese and rushed to China for business. Besides, it was a time Chinese culture was widespread, which accounts for why Chinatown in many foreign countries is translated as “Tang” people’s street in Chinese now. What is more, people then thought of “a fat woman” as a beauty, while girls today are all busy with losing weight. The life in that period must differ a lot from now.

  Recently, a series of comics about Du Fu, one of the greatest poets in Tang dynasty, is popular in RenRen, known as the Chinese Facebook. Many people think the author is brimming with imaginary, because he transformed the great poet into a soldier, a woman and a game character etc.

  However, I think it is a spoof of Du fu. The author did not show him respect he deserved. It is lucky that we Chinese live in a country with broad and profound culture, but that does not mean we can make ridiculous fun of our traditional culture.

  Nowadays, Chinese culture is at stake to some extent. As a Chinese, we should shoulder the responsibility to protect our traditional culture.


  1. The headline attractes me a lot, but frankly speaking I don't think this essay is well organized...

    Anyway, I also heard neews about "The busty Du Fu" the other dday. It sounds interesting though it does kind of harm to Chinese ancient culture. Maybe through the fad of scrawling on the famous poet, people may feel like searching more about him, thus on a larger scale learning more about Chinese culture. Du Fu must be happy that, his funny portraits spread all over the world, as well as his spirits and his fervent concern towards poor people.

    1. yeah, you see this event from an oposite way. I think maybe he will feel gleeful because he is still so popular among China.

  2. I can't deny that your content is fairly intrguing, especially for those who want to learn about Tang culture. But, no offend to you, I think that most of what you say about Tahg dynasty is well known to people. there must be something much more interesting waiting for us to discouver. I look forward to it. Anyway, I still get something new related to Tang dynasty, such as DuFU's modern story.

    1. i just give a brief introduction to Tang. Actually comics about Dufu is so popular recently, so i want to show some of my opinions towards this event.

  3. In fact, I think your thesis statement is not very clear. I do not know whether you are talking about the Tang Dynasty or the comics about DuFu.

    haha,to tell the truth, it is really a spoof of DuFu. But on the other hand, it will make the Chines class moer ionteresting if the pictures in the book like the comic.What is more, I also dream of Tang, then we would have no need to study English.

  4. I have the same feeling with Yu Dong.Tang is a flourish in Chinese history,both in economy and culture.Sadly,nowadays people are buried in the enormous information and do not bother to review the traditional culture.Although unwilling,we have to admit that the Du Fu comics remind us of the Tang poems.
