Wednesday 7 March 2012

Blog 4 A dream wife?

What are most boys’ expectations on their wives nowadays? Are they still fond of an elegant lady? Or are they more likely to marry a modern girl with strong character?

 Actually I am quite curious about these questions. Unfortunately, no one in our class has ever written about this topic. For this reason, I am writing about my views towards a dream wife. I will appreciate it if you share your views with me in your reply.
If I were looking for my wife, the first thing I took into consideration may be the character. Above all, I must be able to get along with her. I may regard it as a spice of life, if we have words with each other once a month. However, everyday quarrels can drive me mad.
Also, I would have certain expectations upon her appearance. For example, she can be cute, delicate and pretty but not a campus belle-because I would not be pleased when my wife were attractive to all the other men!
Besides, it would be better if she had concept with money as well as taste of clothes. Here are some detailed expectations: lively, gracious, sexy, considerate, be able to do some basic housework, have her own hobbies…and most important, have family values!
Anyway, a wife is different from a girl friend. Moreover, as far as I am concerned, at our age, we are supposed to take marriage as the goal for love (except for those lovers who cannot get married by law).
In the end, what is your expectation upon your husband/wife?


  1. actually,if you just want to find a lover, you can just consider about her appearance. however, if you are choosing the one who you are ready to spend your whole life with, the character must come the first. just like my teacher once told me, what you need is not a vase, but something more valuable.

    1. It is the same with a husband!

    2. It seems that everyone of us are taught in the same way in this field.

  2. well,apparently you are not a boy.....
    i think you had better think about what kind of husband you are going to marry but not this question....
    well,maybe we are not so old that we must take the marriage as the only purpose of love....

    1. Well,I am just wondering about what a dream wife may be-and that is one of my ambitious as well!
      By the way,what if I find a girlfriend...(kind of kidding)

  3. I hope that my future spouse can be the one who share some same interests with me. Most importantly, we can understand each other.

    1. Sometimes it is not easy to find a Mr Right.

    2. of course!!! This needs great effort and to overcome toughness!

  4. In my opinion, my dream mate is the girl like ShenBing `
    `~~yes, the caractor is the most important, but I want to say that, to tell the truth, in my opinion, the first attracts me is the appearance:D

    1. Most of people judge others by apperance.For me,it is interesting to see if my first impressions are right after sometime.~^^

  5. Personally, I will put emphasis on health and intelligence, if I want to find a spouse, because I have to consider my next generation.

    1. Appearance influences the next generation greatly as well...the same as height!
      Anyway, healthy and lively girls~

  6. These standards seem ordinary, but actually it is very difficult to find a wife with such virtues. Generally speaking, everyone has his or her drawbacks which may result in argument in the long run. So personally, tolerance and patience are the most valuable merits.

  7. As for me, my criterion about a good wife is that she should be knowlegdeable, culitivated and courteous when necessary. We should have common interests and can discuss with each other to exchange different ideas instead of compromising all the time. In addition, she should be independent but not vulnerable. Our are like soul mate with each other. As for appearence, it is not quite important. Maybe, Elizabeth in Pride & Prejudice is the girl I want to marry, however, this is very diffcult. But I will never give up and be a excellent gentleman first.

  8. No wonder Miss Xu is dubbed by us "Xuan Ye"!

    In real situation, we are confined to choose wives, who may not be as good as we thought previously, because of several factors. The one stands out among all of them is--one may not encounter an ideal partner in his/her all life!
    To tell the truth, a person seldom finds a partner who satisfies all his/her demands. However, they are still engaged and determined to live forever. It's true that when one falls in love, one is probably to go regardless of everything. If one can find a perfect partner, they would not come to married, in that conflicts and then tolerance, which we want to reduce to the least, surprisingly is a necessity of a marriage! ( personal idea, haha. Diversity mold a great marriage;) )
