Sunday 4 March 2012

Blog 4:Life is not suffering


        I have just watched a movie named The Legend Of 1900 this weekend.The movie told a story of a pianist called 1900 who played the piano as a mucisian on the ship Virginian from his birth to death.He has never got off the ship all his life, because he thought the land was like a ship too big for him.He could see everything except an end in the sprawling city.Thus, he feared the outside world and chose to live in his fantasy world in music, even died with that discarded ship when people bombed out it.
      There is one line that impressed me a lot.1900 said to his bosom friend Max that,'It was not what I saw but what I did not see that stop me.' I think they are money,fame,status and desire.He was afraid that he may lose himself ,lose the real music,lose a qualification as an artist .For him, life in real world is suffering. It was not the ship but his heart imprisoned himself.
      However, from my point of view,where there are human being, there exist desires.Because of desire, there come out power and influence,class and interest.This is inevitable.The only question that matters is that our attitude towards life.We should go to confront not to escape from the reality .
          After all,people may not live in a bubble in perpetuity.Money and comfortable life are our material taget which make sence to our lives.Otherwise,without these competations,our society will never progress.
     All in all,life is suffering with a negative heart but enjoying with an optimistic heart.


  1. Is that movie called "hai_shang_gang_qin_shi" in Chinese? I like that movie very much!!! It is a fantastic movie. About life, I think you are right. It likes a mirror.

    1. yeah i also think it's exactly the movie you mentioned. it worth watching...

    2. Yes,the main actor Tim Roth has played an perfect and excellent role in the movie.His eyes are so pure and bright that let the audience think deeply about the meaning of life.

  2. Yes,it is very important for us to realize that we are not suffering from life.Actually, it is those sufferings that make us stronger and unbeatable. Wr should motivate ourselves when we are confronted with difficulties.I remember there is a proverb:Yor suffer, you learn. So taking a right altitude towards the sufferings from life will enable us to treasure what we faces!

  3. • After reading your blog, I was lost in thought. I am thinking what I live for. It is true that we should have some basic commodities to survive, but we should be swallown by the materials. In particular, when we face the difficulties, our choice is supposed to be braving them instead of evading them. You think life is not suffering. However, my view is that even though it is suffering, it by no means will make any difference to our choice -- confront it with bravery!

  4. Well,I have to say that a positive attitude is quite difficult for a decadent person like me.However,as time went,I realise that decadent life does not work.Recently,I heard a song called "Stronger".My favorite sentence in the lyrics is "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger",which really encourages me.Just as the lyrics and the film imply,we do have to be optimistic to lives regardless of troubles.
