Sunday 4 March 2012



  1. I agree with you. People in this world should trust echo others. And I also think that the untrusting among people is caused by some dishonest people. Onec these dishonest people disappear, we will live in a harmonious world which has been emphasized many times by Chinese government.

    1. Yes~I always hope for that day's coming, however, I think it is impossible la~What si more, sometimes we also need some white lies

  2. This problem is too dificult to solve...

    Most of us believe if all people behave honestly, the word will be in a harmony. But how can we stop a small number of people from cheating? Since there always exits deceitful people, we have to keep cautious. As a result, our caution gradually grows into unbelief(I don't know if it is a correct word).

    Behaving ourselves may be a proper solution, however, it is out of bing unable to find a solution.

    After all, here in our SM3 20th batch, we can trust each other. I appreciate for being in this "harmonious" group.

  3. School time is always the best time to develop trust as well as life-long friendship.

    1. Wish we all can find our life-long friends in NUS:D

  4. Yes! I agree with you. We can't reaach absoulute zero, but it cannot stop us from approaching it. Similarly, the world cannot be without a small number of dishonest people, however, we can try our best to make people around us to be more honest. Each time I ask my teacher when is their best time in life. The answer always is during the university. We are in the university time, and are together with most honest people in the world. Hope we can cherish it!O(∩_∩)O~
