Friday 9 March 2012

Blog 5 Hackers

All boys in RVHS, are you still afflicted by APR invasion? Apart from forbidden hours, can you manage to get access to the Internet? With both eyes fixed on the screen, the feeling of failing to enjoy the Internet can only be described in three words: 1 pitiful, “why am I so unlucky”; 2 angry, I would like to kill the hacker; 3 cannot help it, because I even don’t know how to protect yourself.

In the past, I would shout “How difficult it is for me to publish a blog at the interval between terrible APR invasions!” But no more will I shout it again. Yesterday, a “master” came to my dormitory. After being adjusted by him, miraculously my computer could enter the world of the Internet! I couldn’t disclose his name because blog is open to all. I am sorry I didn’t remember the whole process. However, several students have grasped the points of adjustment process. If you need help, come to our floor and I would introduce an expert to you!

The people who invade our LAN (Local Area Network) is rather disgusting, but they cannot be called hackers. In respect of skills, their proficiency in computer may be no better than us, let alone in comparison with professional hackers. Another aspect that distinguishes hackers and grey hackers, or “crackers”, is that, what hackers pursue is a higher level of computer science, while grey hackers aim at attacking others and enjoy the pleasure of seeing others being uncomfortable.

We usually use the word “hacker” to refer to people who do harm to others’ computers. This commonsense actually deviates from the original meaning of “hacker”. Von Neumann, the pioneer in computer science, is a “hacker”. Bjarne Stroustrup, who laid the foundation for C++ programing, is also a “hacker”. Now we can see the real meaning of “hacker”: It is hacker who creates the world of computer and Internet; and it is hacker who promotes the development of computer science.

Hacker is an interesting and also troublesome occupation which entails intelligence and diligence. They are curious about the most advanced machine in the world—computer. Devoted into this career, they desire to challenge computers, and meanwhile, themselves. They like to find fault with software and computer systems, just like they do to themselves.

In contrast, crackers are the people who we should criticize and hate. Their brilliance is wasted and taken advantage by some illegal organizations. Driven by money, they exert their strength to cause damage to others.

At present, we are learning C programming step by step. Perhaps some of us who have ambitions for computer science may become hackers in future. Hopefully, they would glitter like their predecessors.


  1. Help me ziyan~~I have lost my Internet for the whole afternoon~~I had always had a wrong impression of hacker, because I watched the film firstly and then I knew what was hacker

  2. Oh! Good!Very good! I have already suffered a lot from ARP attacking, in other words, my computer has been attacked nearly 3000 times! I want an expert to take me out of trouble.

  3. I think in this sentence"Hacker is an interesting and also troublesome occupation ",you should use "but " instead of "and".I think your topic very good ,because it is related to our real life.Especially for those who have been attacted by ARP, your blog is very useful. What is more,I do not understand what you want to say in this sentence"and meanwhile, themselves". Is this mean that the hackers want to be better at break into others computers?That would be terrible.

  4. oh, in fact, i also suffered from ARP attack once. but i really look down upon the student who great harm to you. He did not realize that his every movement stands for his home country. Also, i think it reminded us to spend more time on our C programming, right?

  5. After reading your blog, I clarify the definition of hacker and craker. We always say that we are under attack by hackers, now we should use craker instead. In addtion, the fault in computer software can be called as bug and I think you are supposed to be more professional. By the way, I am glad to hear that you have solved this serious problem which bothered us for half a month.

  6. I did not know that there is little access to the internet in RVHS until I read your blog!Well, it is also an advantage, you do not have to struggle to manage the surfing time ,ha~.

  7. Not offend to you, but there is something I want to clarify. According to the Oxford Dictionary, hacker means 1. a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data; ( informal) an enthusiastic and skilful computer programmer or user; a cracker a person who breaks into a computer system, typically for an illegal purpose.
    Frankly speaking, I think it is not fully appropriate to say "In contrast, crackers are the people who we should criticize and hate. Their brilliance is wasted and taken advantage by some illegal organizations. Driven by money, they exert their strength to cause damage to others." Because most of time, hacker is a little disapproving, and it is not so good to be a contrast to cracker.
    However, generally speaking, I agree with your on most part and admire your thorough thought. I also hope the attacker can stop his bad acts and we gain a stable access to the the Internet.

    1. I got the definition of hacker from baidupedia. Perhaps professional computer programmers tend to call the people who accelerate the development of computer science "hacker"?

  8. It seems that there are some network attacks happened in our dormitory. I really hate those people who attack other persons' computers. However till now I just suffered a little of that "attack". The most times I can easily access Internet. So I think there may be some other reasons that explain these problems.

  9. Sorry, it's APR(Address Resolution Protocol), not APR.

  10. Wow all this APR stuff is beyond me! Why don't you guys press the domitory staff for better Internet connectivity. It is ashame in Singapore when we are on the cusp of fiber optic and yet certain part of Singapore has so depressing Internet connection. Now do you know who is responsible for hacking into a dozen Chinese governement websites recently?
