Thursday 8 March 2012

Blog writing 4: Tastes and preferences

Tastes and preferences

From the days when I could remember things till now, I have experienced huge changes in people’s tastes and preferences. During just less than 13 years, people have changed significantly in the food they prefer, the clothes style they choose and the haircut they chase.

Food has played a key role in our daily life and great change has been indicated in food people like. In the past, many people were not rich and they must spend according to their incomes. Ddining out in the restaurant was a luxury, so most of them chose to cook in the home, eating a simple dish like poached Chinese cabbage and poached toufu. For the breakfast, we used to eat Da tou cai, one of my hometown specialty, and porridge as well as steamed buns. In total, it cost us less than $0.2. But now, it is quite different. People usually eat various kinds of food raging from porridge, steamed rice to noodles. And a large portion of them often dine out to eat something that cannot be cooked in the home. Correspondingly, they usually pay more to enjoy this.

Apart from the food, changes have also been reflected in clothes. I still remembered my father wearing the Chinese tunic suit, which he seldom put on except on important occasions. And at that time, trend was wearing this kind of suit. For most women, they liked dressing in long skirt so that they looked elegant. On the contrary, nowadays, few people will put the Chinese tunic suit on again. And for young people, it is very popular among them to wear clothes that have many patches and holes, which their parents think inconceivable. Women have changed as well. Instead of long skirts, their prefer to wear miniskirts so as to make them more attractive and hot. Also, minipants or hot pants are among their favorite. In general, old styles go; new styles come. This change cannot be more enormous.

Zhou Runfa
Finally, these 13 years have also seen tremendous transformation in haircuts. Ten years ago, the hair style has been governed by Zhou Renfa style in which men looked very handsome. And even now many seniors still maintain this kind of haircut. However, as the representative of the new era, young people have already abandoned this and turn to new hairstyles, such as cockscomb style, boldness like monk and crew cut. They admire strangeness and odd things, and are always ready to try new things. People changed; what they like certainly will change accordingly.

    For me, what I like has also changed a lot. I sort of prefer longer hair than the crew cut, and I like rice instead of noodles. Nevertheless, today it may be a trend, tomorrow it may not and the day after tomorrow it is popular again. Times change; so do the tastes and preferences.


  1. Haha~yes!I agree with you!once there was a kind of haircut named "plane", it could never be more ridiculous in my thoughts.

    1. Yes! And we usually have the gesture of plane flying across the lawn. It is quite interesting. But now, since we have grown up, it no longer suits us to do so; all of this can only be kept in our memory. Hope all of us have a happy memory.O(∩_∩)O~

  2. Taste and preference are fairly intriguing things. And they are parts of this diverse world. Imagine everyone gets a same taste, for example, loving a same girl. Consequently you would never find you best love. Thanks for god who makes the world diversified.

    1. Yeah, each person has his/her own preference and it is unique. God makes the world various, with people coming in different appearances. If only we can enjoy the present moment!O(∩_∩)O~

  3. Good structure!I can clearly see what is your point. What is more, you have used a lot of new words for me.For example, what is the meaning of this sentence". I sort of "?Moreover, I think hre you should use 'dressed instead of'dressing','For most women, they liked dressing'.Your topic is really interesting and I am wondering what will be on fashion in the future.

    1. Thanks for your compliment! And I am pleased hear that I get my idea across. It is my honor to resolve your questions.
      To give you the most authoritative answer, this is what I get from
      sort of " (informal) to some extent; in some way or other:
      ‘Do you see what I mean?’ ‘Sort of,’ answered Jean cautiously "
      For another question, due to the limited space,can I discuss with you later?
      At last, thanks for your reading of my blog! Let's look forward to the amazing furture!

  4. I love your concluding sentence which is very concise and specific! Well,many things changed during the period when we grew up. Old days were very precious and memorable.I still miss the days when we wore school uniforms and were crazy about Jay Chou. However, we can keep all these in the memory and look forward. It is the present we should live for, and seize every single minute we have,

    1. I give you my total agreement. Past is always worth recollecting, but we are supposed to live in the present. Hope all of them can live effeciently and achieve our goals.

  5. I would like to say it is convenient for us to read that you capitalize every word at the first of paragraph. It is a good example for all of us and I think we should learn this from you.
    Moreover, I agree your view that China changed a lot in many ways during these years.I firmly believe I will become stronger,too.At last I should say, I love noodles anyways.

    1. Thanks sincerely!
      Actually, you are the first one able to read my mind. Haha~ my bosom friend, you surely will become stronger and more mature.
      Finally, hope you enjoy your noodles and don't forget to try the rice. Balancing your meal is always the bet choice, isn't it?

  6. First, i want to say your writing is really good and you have a good range of vocabulary.
    Actually, China is developing at an amazing speed and Chinese is become richer and richer.
    So it is no doubt we youth keep the pace of the fashion of the world. Besides, i also wonder what will happen in ten years , one hundred years...

  7. Brilliant blog! You successfully campare the change in the preference of food and costumes. I really agree with your opinions. As the world is developing increasingly, the trend of change cannot be avoided. As for me, I also changed my habit of dressing and eating a lot as I was growing up.

  8. Yes yes . I can still the dressing and hair styles of my parents. Really totally changed! However, personally, I don't like to follow fashion, for it will drive me insane and make me tired. I think the natural way is the best.
