Thursday 1 March 2012

Jailbreak for Apple, legal or not? (BLOG 3)

   Nowadays, Apple products have become a trend of fashion. It is often seen people playing with their iPhones, iPads or iPod touch everywhere, anytime.

  So, why these Apple products are so attractive to us? I believe it has something to do with their confortable feeling. More importantly, there is a sea of interesting and useful application software, which we can download from App Store.

  Here comes the point. Unlike Nokia or Android handsets, the recourse of Apple software is not open, that is, we have to pay for these software before we have access to them.

  Although you can afford an iPhone, an iPad, it is hard to buy so much expensive application.

 So, is there any way to get software without paying? The answer is JAILBREAK . Because of jailbreak, you can download various software, not only from App Store, but other websites, for free.

  However, this has widely aroused disagreement about whether it is legal to jailbreak your Apple products. Different people hold different opinions. As far as I am concerned, after we bought these products, they became our private possession. We have the right to do anything with them, of course, jailbreak included. Nevertheless, it is improper to download pirated software from those illegal websites.

  So, what is your opinion?


  1. Jailbreaking is my opinion.

    1. haha i also cannot help jailbreaking my iPod

  2. Good point!!But I think if the jailbreak is forbidden, the sales volume will decrement.

    1. but the App Store can make more money because users can only download software from App Store

  3. In my opinion,it is our freedom to deal with our private possessions;however,we cannot always succeed in jail-breaking,which may do harm to the Apple system.

    1. yeah, i think now my iPod touch is slower after jailbreak
