Thursday 8 March 2012

Blog 4 Durian: a taste of happiness

Durian: a taste of happiness
  I used to love eating durian when I was at home. Whenever I take a sip of it, I feel rather content as if I were a fairy walking on the clouds. It was because of the durian ice-cream that I realized that I can also feel the same when in Singapore, which moved me a lot.

   Last Saturday, Stella, a befriender of our group, invited us out for a dinner. After the dinner, she led us to an ice-cream shop. Before I ordered the ice-cream, the waitress offered several tastes for me to try. When I was puzzled which to choose, I noticed that there was a card written “ durian” . I was exited but wondered whether I misread. The waitress explained that there was durian ice-cream in the shop, but it was not displayed on the showcase in case the strong smell would influence the others. “I want a scoop of it!” I said cheerfully. She was surprised by my resolution. I was amazed to find that the taste of the ice-cream can be so authentic. They made it with real pulp of durian rather than chemical flavor. It reminded me of every happy moment connected to the durian in China. The environment around me seemed pretty familiar, making me feel peaceful and joyful. Maybe it was just biologically a conditioned response. Just as Shi Tiesheng, a writer, said hometown is not a specific place but an attitude and mood of brightness, which is not restricted by time or space; once the attitude is aroused, you are at home.

    After staying in Singapore for more than two months, I found that Singapore was too tranquil for me to seek any novelty. However, the durian ice-cream demonstrated that happiness can be gained in a very easy way.


  1. e~~I still can not ,or never understand why there are so many people like durian.Once I ate durian sugar in classroom with some mates in my junior high haha~~it was very funny:D

    1. Durian,the king of fruits, has always been controversial.It is understandable that it did not appear to you at first.

  2. Haha!You are a humorous girl uh! After I read this blog, you also deliver your happiness to me! As for me, durian used to be unbearable; however, after I ate durian ice cream, I found it good! May be the durian in my hometown is not as fresh as in Singapore, which leads to its bad taste.Therefore,if possible, I will try fresh durian in the future!

  3. The durian is really smelly but it is really delicious to the person who like it,like you. I once liked the smell but latter I did not like it any more.There were may interesting things happpened when someone ate durian in classroom during my Junior high. I think here you should use others instead of 'the other, 'but it was not displayed on the showcase in case the strong smell would influence the others. “I want a scoop '.In berief ,I like your topic.

  4. I really cannot beat the smell of Durian. But it may taste good, just like CHOU tofu in China.
    Your blog also reminded me of our group's talent show---"the Little Snow"...It is amazing that we got second prize...

  5. Em,I have to say that you are really a thinker and a good storyteller.For instance, you blog has a good hook;the story naturally;good quotation make it even better .Besides, the cohesion of your blog is brilliant;I believe I can learn from it.Moreover, your blog inspire me of the item that I used to drink or play with.Thank you for sharing such wonderful experience.

    1. Thank you for your appreciation!You are the one who does not only read the content but also analyze the structure.You are right, blog is a good platform for us to learn from each other.

  6. Your narrative is brilliant!You have organized the language perfectly , which attract the readers a lot.And the quotation you reffered to impressed me a lot.Indeed, we may feel depressed sometimes due to home-missing.However, when I saw some familiar things as hometown, my mood get better soon.Hope I can have a taste of that ice cream one day!

    1. ha ha, I was not advertising the ice-cream~~

  7. well,your ability in english should receive my highest praise !
    this blog is so attractive.
    by the way i do not think durian is delicious ,however.
    but i can get your happiness when i read this.
    hope you can present more good blogs

  8. I have also tasted Durain in Singapore for 3 times!!! I get a big discount everytime I bought it, and so lucky I am~ It taste so good although it is smelly~ What's more, it consists much nutrition! However, beware that we may suffer from excessive internal heat if we eat too much ~~

  9. According to your depiction, Durain is really a delicacy. Finding the feeling of home is really a delight. tell the truth, till now , I haven't dared to eat it for the smell. When I am courageous enough to taste it, I will inform you at the first time.

    1. It is a good idea to eat durian crispy cake for the first time.
