Saturday 28 April 2012

(Blog 7) After motivation

Now that the motivation of what we do is not as perfect as we need to elevate into an art form. I consider more about human’s life. Does our human’s life meaningful? What does our human’s inner world rely on? What is right and what is wrong? It seems that religion can solve all the answer I have. Even though, what about there is not a god? That is, human-beings are still frightened to the power of the nature that they still want to find an excuse for their innocence. Besides, I find that easier a game is, more addicted to human it will be. Such as QQ farms, I wonder why so many people are addicted to this game that they would rather get up at night just to obtain the product in others’ farms. Furthermore, have you been addicted to hungry snakes due to you want to get a high marks. We feel loneliness, do not we? We need to make some balance between our spirit and reality by some white lies on our inner world because we are panic when we face the meaning of our life. What about the meaning of our life or should I say the world is a big lie? We are inculcated that we should serve the society and world; we are the members of the human family; everybody is an essential part of the world. Stop talking about that. Why there is still discrimination among race, jobs and sexual orientation? Do the workers who are an essential part of the world deserve the discrimination? Do those who have a decent jobs and high status have the priority to discriminate others? Just as Thucydides said, “The strong did what they could, and the weak suffered what they must”. Gradually I feel the strength that Coldplay’s song “Viva La Vida” has. Every life is awesome, unique and irreplaceable. Individual’s live may seems meaningless, the life’s meaning rely on the relationship and itself. Nothing can deny one’s life he/she born lives and passes away albeit nothing he/she leaves behind. That is our life does not only belong to ourselves but also those who care us. We are responsible both us and our social network. That is how love rooted in our life and makes the life awesome..  


  1. I find a little bit hard to understand your blog...
    Why do you want to illustrate by talking about QQ farm, hungry snake and discrimination among human beings?
    It seems you were exploring the relationship between physical life and spiritual life and the meaning of life. But how about the title "after motivation"?
    You DID use enormous questions...
    And your thought shift so fast that the link between each part is ambiguous(no transition).
    Maybe that is "stream of consciousness"...
    Finally, I appreciate your work and hope you stop saying 'your sister' and transform to speak the meaningful content like your essay!!!

  2. Suddenly I find that brother Hao also grasp a bigger vocabulary that me. So sad I am. I must work hard on my vocabulary in order to catch up with brogher Hao. Besides, I want to say that hungry snake is not as boring as you said. Maybe the QQ farmer is boring which I had not gotten a chance to play. But hungry snake is really a classic game especially on Nokia phone. It recorded my childhood. It probably be the first game I played after I came to the world. Do you know how to direct a very long snake to its' food? It does need your patience and skill!

  3. Some ideas are good, but as Liu has said, they lack transition. Besides, the structure is not very clear. It is irrational to convey your ideas in mere one paragraph. If you try to make the structure clearer, I think it will be appreciated by more people. Anyway, your blog is profound. Hope you present more blogs of this sort of content(not this kind of structure).^_^

  4. I can understand your streams of consciousness musings. Sometimes at certain stages of our life we tend to become more philosophical; we debate within ourselves the existential issues. It seems frivolous to dream of such weighty isssues when you have Progree Test to take, Project work to do apart from regular class work. But I think we should not shy away from debating these issues seriously not only with ourselves but with others- friends, classmates and teachers.

    1. I have done it several weeks I just copy and paste and it does not matter project issues.
