Sunday 1 April 2012

Reflections of my Journey in Singapore Zoo

     My learning service finally arrived today. To my surprise, it was held in the Singapore Zoo; therefore, I went on a journey in the zoo after finishing the service. When travelling around the zoo, I saw many creatures for the first time, and those left me some thoughts.

   Firstly, I found that the animals in Singapore Zoo gain more freedom compared to those in Chinese Zoos. In China, each animal is confined in a closed cage or glass cube. The range of their movement is limited. In addition, their living conditions are awful. Moneys do not have enough trees to climb and nasty smells come from every cage. They seem like exhibits to be watched. In contrary, animals in Singapore Zoo have enough freedom and superior living conditions. Moneys shuttle liberally between trees and kangaroos jumping freely on the grass. Every animal leave in the forest or habitats they are accustomed to instead of the closed cages. Hence, I really feel sorrowful for the animals in Chinese Zoos.

  Secondly, I really enjoyed the journey very well. I got to know many new creatures that arouse my interest. For example, I encountered little bats behind the roof. I really changed my formally bad impression of bats when their lovely heads and bodies covered by wings. Since I was born to be interested in creatures, little bat especially attracted me. Moreover, because animals were more closed to the nature, I can have a good view of them. For instance, it brings more fun to me to see the tigers in the forest and otters in the river. I enjoy the beauty of the combination of animals and nature. In short, feeling closed to the nature is fascinating to me.

  I really treasure this journey in the Singapore zoo. Oh! Oh!    




  1. it was a really interesting journey and i get to know many animals different from China. It is good that animals are not in cages, but i think it is a little dangerous. if the tigers and lions are angry enough, they are able to jump over to vistors... horrible...

    1. Yes, it is a quite interesting to view so many lovely animals. And I think though dangerous animals are kept in natural invironment, the security is very good for those animals was isulated by rivers or shores. The zoo conservator must have take meansures to protect the travellers. Hence, don't worry and have fun.

  2. Wow, your introduction has roused my curiosity of the Singaporean zoo. The people in Singapore are so humanized that they do not treat animals as domestic animals. In reverse, they respect their status libertatis and try to restore their living environment as far as they can. This reflect their love for the nature as well as lives. While a nation which is full of love will definitely full of life and vigor.

    1. I agree with you. I also hold the view that animals in Chinese zoos should be treated better. And there are still a lot of interesting places for us to explore in Singapore. While experencing the culture, I can learn a lot from Singaporean.

  3. I was attracted by your description. Animals there must be happy!
    Accidentally, I did not go to the zoo last time, so I has not been there yet. Combined your depiction, I will go there personally and see the difference from those zoos in China. I must be a fantastic experience.

    1. Singapore Zoo is very worth travelling around. While watching the animals, you can boost your interest and experience the culture. I know you are a boy who like to travel. Well, if next you want to go some places apart from zoo, can you inform me to join you? I really want to accompany you!!

    2. Yes, i am delightful to join you!

  4. You are a really lucky guy! I'm very envious of this great opportunity to feast eyes on those cute and lovely litte animals. Otters, oh, they must be very endearing! Do you see squirrels? With perfectly lovely shape, they must have attracted lots of attention from visitors, haven't they? Since I also have a extreme love for animals, I sincerely want to visit Singapore Zoo and enjoy a close touch with those small friends!

    1. Haha, I think we have one thing in comon that we all like animals. I have seen the squirrels, and you can see the picture above. On the other hand, I really think GIVE program is alos very good. Because you can have chances to communicate with local students and gain social experience through it. We should cherish these programs to train our ability.

    2. Yeah, these programs are really great chances to gain a better understanding of Singapore and help us accutomed to it. Thanks to MOE of Singapore!
