Sunday 29 April 2012

       Since human start the first indusrial revolution, the society has been rapidly developed. We chase the advanced science and technology. However, we seem to negolate the problem it may take to us. This is serious and people have been arguing for it for several  decades before. In my opinion, there are many benifits that technology has given us but also includeing the problems.Here, I want ot talk about two kinds of problems. One is the cloning problem an dthe other is the safety of food.
The first ethic problem, is  coming up with the cloning technology. To some extent, it is one of the most important development in the history of human being. We find the way to "create" a new life that meets our requirement. However, it also gives us endless  worry because  we think what will happens if someone clones a human. There are many films talking about this, such as "Star wars " and "The sixth ady". They both talking about the serious wars because of the cloned people. What is more, cloning is beyond the imagination of the founders of the religions. So, it is unacceptable to the religion rules. In my opinion, it is definitely that our world will be in chaos if human begin to clone thenselves. Therefore, we should try our best to control and forbid cloning people. However, the world is enomous and the technology is no longer a secret. So, who knows whether there will  be a cornor in the world where someone is cloning him or herself.
    The second problem is about the safety of food. Nowadays, there are thousands of  additives in the food around us. To some extent, they are great achievement in chemistry becausse with the help of them ,we can keep our food much longer and makes them taste delicious. However, not all of them are good to our body.What is more, there may be many existed additives whose  toxic element can not be detected by today's technology. As a result, everyday we eat hundreds of kinds of additives and to some extent, it ahnothing different with chronic poisoning. Therefore, I think we should ban some kinds of additives because it is not only for our generation ,but also may influnces the next generations.  

1 comment:

  1. Food problem is a global one which we can hardly escape from.It is a trend of the whole human being to be exposed to chemicals and be more resistant.Who knows what the future holds?
