Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Law of Human Nature(Blog7)

The Law of Human Nature

Do you believe that The Law of Human Nature exists? You have known the law of Human Nature without learning since you were born?
Recently, I read a book talking. One chapter of it is about The Law of Human Nature, which shook me, and the book convinced me of the existence of it.
To begin with, where does the standard of the right or wrong come? Do you notice that human being is the only creature that is able to quarrel? Unlike fighting, the aim of quarrelling is to make the other side accept he or she is wrong. But what is the right and wrong? At least, only based on knowing what the standard of the right or wrong is can quarrels happen. Like football match, how can a football match begin without any rules? Now, this most important problem is that where does the standard of the right or wrong come?
People may say that we learn this kinds of standard from others and education. That is why people of different culture and ages will have different moralities. But in the book, the writer points out that “Think what a totally different morality would mean?”” We learn to keep to the left of the road, but it might just as well the rule to keep to the right.” “And others of them like mathematics, are real truths.” Will people in any country appreciate selfish people, dishonest men and soldiers running away from battle? Also, we all assume that the idea of decent behaviors is known by everyone. These truths do not alter in ages, degree of education, areas and culture. “This is law called the Law of Human Nature because people thought that every one knew it by nature and did not need to be taught it.”
And you can feel the Law of Human Nature exists when you are comparing two different moralities. “The moment you say that set of moral ideas can be better than another, you are, in fact, measuring them both by a standard” But this standard is not really a sort of common morality. The writer called it “ Real Morality”, which is independent of what people think. 
All I have mentioned is my understanding of the book. It is not completed and exact what the write mean. The name of the book is Mere Christianity written by C. S. Lewis. Although this book is about religion, it does give me enlightenment to rethink about some concept, such as justice and morality.

1 comment:

  1. first,I do not think you have made it clear to me..........
    second,I do not agree with the author's opinion.

    how can he just prove that some moral rules--even those fundamental rules --are just innate???

    does he ever notice the tendency of a kid to make up a excuse to avoid being punished?

    in philosophy , no philosopher by now have convinced all the others whether people are born good or bad.

    so how can this author tell us "The Law of Human Nature"?????????

    should the law be moral or immoral???

    if the selfish people also do something that benefits you, how will you feel???still hate him???
