Monday 16 April 2012

Blog 7 Titanic: the timeless classic

        15 years ago, Titanic was merely a movie, a sunken ship, a love story of Jack and Rose. 15 years later, it has becomes an unforgettable memory of a generation, a symbol of  loyalty and an immotal legend which has beyond smile and teer, wealth and poverty, life and death.
        As a century movie, Titanic's classical lines have been passed through everyone's lips. Apart from 'You jump, I jump' which acts as a typical love vow, some of Jack's  awesome words also left a deep impression on me.
        For instance, when he sat together with the glamorous people who looked down upon him and teased him, he did not feel  humble or shame and just said that 'I fiure life is a gift and I donot intend on wasting it. You learn to take life as it comes to you. To make each day count.' These words fully embodied his image of yearning for freedom, to be optimistic and aheading bravely, which let all the listeners feel respective towards him immediately.
        Meanwhile, the exquisite depiction of each figure is also one of the most vital factors. Whether the duteous band who played the violin until the last minute, or the upright designer of the ship , Mr. Thomas, who attributed the responsibility to himself and finally decided to sink with the ship, or the devout priest who comforted the rattled passengers and sang the Bible to guide them out of panic before death, or the responsible second mate who shot one person to maintain order and also shot himself on the spot to wash his crime, or all the brave men who gave the survival chances to the women and children and chose to die as real gentlemen...

       Amoung them, Ms Moly is the person I respect most(the first person from right in the picture above). She was  an upstart lady who understood and symphasized the poor. So she lent the new dinner dress which was prepared for her old son to Jack and taught him the noble etiquette. Additionally, when in the lifeboat, she required the people in the boat to turn back to save the other refugees, and sensured their apathy after being refused. Due to her kind  heroic, she was repected as ' Never sink of Margrat' by later generations.
        Always only when truely facing the catastrophe will human nature being highlighted most. I believe during that short period of time, there must be more touching scenes we never know that happened.

       Blessing all the victims on Titanic who are buried in the ocean in 1912.


  1. I watched this movies last week. I was deeply impressed. Apart from the tragic love story of Jack and Rose, as you mentioned, there are also many meaningful words in it, such as" Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you're in the club." I love it so much that I am considering to watch it again.

    1. Yeah, I was also touched by the line you mentioned. The peers are always peacockish, sensetive and narcissistic. They just pretend to be perfect with no defects and a notch above the others. They measure everything through the money. So just imagine you are as wealthy as them and do as you are. Thay may regard you as the similar one and repect you.

    2. Year, the director is really brilliant. Although it is a lucrative movie, a lot of meaningful philosophic words in it. That is why it caused really a sensation when released.

  2. It is a great pity that I haven't seen the whole of Titanic. Actually I really want to see the 3D edition in cinema!
    I recall that I learnt a passage in secondary 1, which described the similar(or it was Titanic) situation with Titanic. No one cannot be impressed the altruistic behavior and bravery of the captain and all the men on board.
    Do you know that at the beginning of this year, there was a huge ship in Italy that could compete with Titanic anchoring in the sea. To people's surprise, or more exactly, just as people's anticipation, turmoil filled the ship and everyone only concerned himself/herself.
    Deeply moved by the movie as I was, I still doubt the reality of the history, and the reality of human hearts. Maybe the cruelty of people in the recent wreck is due to the degradation of human morality, or maybe the story Titanic is no more than a movie. After all, hope that the tragedy of Titanic would never be put onto stage, and that fewer people perform the roles of hypocrites.

    1. I don't admire the captain so much. I think he is not so responsible for his duty. As a sophisticated captain who is about to retire after this voyage, he should have been more alert and cautious during the course. And his assistant had warned him of the dangerous possibility ice berg, but he just neglected this warning. Were it not for this, Titanic may have been evaded.

  3. Actually, the first time I watched the movie, I was not really touched by the story. I thought there are many similar movies like Titanic. However, the second time I watched it, i was deeply moved by the love between Jack and Rose. according to some investigation, the story is not true. The author made up it to catch people's attention. Anyway, it is a great movie.

  4. I have seen this movie many years ago. At that time, I did not even know the name of this movie. But I was moved, by the love and the brave of humanity when they are facing the catastrope. In contrast of Zhaohang's opinion,I admire the captain much for his bravery. He dares to stand in front of the disaster and choose to sacrifice for his neglect. This is rare genuine in whole human history so I think he is admirable.
