Thursday 12 April 2012

[blog 7]Who is my ideal girlfriend?

  Finding a girlfriend is a crucial step in boys’ life, because it is of high possibility that the girl will become their lifelong partner. When boys grow up, they do not want to share everything with their parents and friends. At this time, girlfriends are good listeners and can also give boys’ some advice. Thus, girlfriends play an important role in boys’ life. I want to share with you some of my requirements of my girlfriend.

  Good personalities are very momentous. First, she should be considerate, which can make up for my careless and heedless. Besides, she’d better have a sense of humor and laugh easily. Otherwise our life will become monotonous and dull. Furthermore, I do not like a girl who is contrived, and I think natural and casual behaviors can make a girl beautiful and gracious.
  When it comes to appearance, it is impossible for me to say I do not care. Almost very man has an inherent love for beauties. As for me, it cannot be better if she is beautiful. However, it is alright if she is not slim or sexy. Compared to looks, health is more important, because the girl is the one I want to be with forever. However beautiful she is, it will finally fade. Only health will last for a long time.

  To conclude, good personalities and health are some of the qualities that I am looking for. Different people have their own demands of their boyfriend/girlfriend. How about you???


  1. I appreciate your requirements for your lifelong partner. As what you wrote, different people have their own personal idea about girl friend. For me, I also think that traits are the most improtant. However, I don't care about health particularly, beacuse what I love is the person herself, not her body. It is the heart connection.

    1. maybe i did not make it clearer. i also do not care her health particularly, if i was extremely attracted by her. my original idea is that, compared to appearance, health count more.

  2. You are right! However, we all know that personality is crucially important. Yet boys are usually attracted by girls' beautiful at first sight. As a result, it is very complicated to assert which point, personality or beauty, is dominant. I will say FATE is more important because, although we have lots of criteria, when you meet your destined girl, all criteria may become meaningless.

    1. your point is right, although i do not believe in fate. I can imagine if a boy meets his Miss Right, he will not think about his standards of his girlfriend. And i think love is very sacred, before we made our decision, we must think thoroughly.

  3. Haha,I think blog is well structured and have a very interesting content. I think your standardof choosing a girlfriend is very good .I agree that good personality is much more important than appearance. However, I think guys are always first attracted by girls'appearance and then begin to see her personality.

    1. That is true, but it is nature. The first time you saw a girl, you know nothing about her personalities. What comes into your sight firstly is her appearance. Only after you have time to know her better will you know whether she is the one.
