Wednesday 4 April 2012

blog5 On geomancy

   Geomancy, or feng shui in Chinese, is a mysterious theory but used nationwide. As it has much to do with the traditional religion Daoism, and the literature that recorded it in abstruse ancient Chinese, feng shui’ s rationality is concealed by miraculous veil “chi”. It has always been discussed whether feng shui is scientific or superstitious. In my opinion, some of the regulations in feng shui are logical and scientific. It is related to such areas as geography, health care, biology, psychology, and aesthetics.
   We can analysis some taboos reasonably. For example, it will spell negative “chi” and block off the positive “chi”, if one construct a washroom or a pillar near the front door of the house. In fact, most of us will feel uncomfortable if we see a washroom or a pillar when entering the house, needless to say it is inconvenient to move. This can be classified as psychology factors. Besides, a washroom is the place which contains the most potential bacteria and fungus. Without an appropriate ventilating facility, the germs can be spread through the house, which increases the possibility of getting sick. This is the factor of health care and hygiene.
Another taboo is about the sleeping position. Sleep is an essential part of ones’ life, and therefore, feng shui sheds much light on it. In feng shui, it is suggested that people should sleep paralleling the north-south direction. Otherwise, the negative “chi” will be stuck around above the bed and people will find it hard to get a sound sleep. Some experts explained that it is because of the north-south direction magnetic field of the earth. The element Ferrum in our blood can be influenced by the magnetic field of the earth. If people sleep by the east-west direction, the bioelectrical current will be hindered. On the contrary, adjusting to the earth magnetic field, the blood cell will aggregate and arrange more regularly, as well as transport efficiently. Nowadays, scientists try to use the magnetic field to reduce the consistence of blood, so as to treat the coronary disease. This is the factor in geography and biology.
   There are more cases in feng shui with its own rationality. However, as a type of traditional culture, a lot of superstition is added inside, just like Chinese medicine. It is the fact that some phenomena in feng shui cannot be explained. At the same time, many people make advantage of its mystery for fortune. Therefore, it is necessary for us to think twice before we believe.


  1. Yeah, I agree with you that it is sensible for us to think twice before following it. In my view, fengshui is largely based on the experience from ordinary people. Since so many people have contributed to its creation, there must be sth reasonable. But it never mentions any scientific and convincing explanation for those rules. Thus, it is impossible for me not to question its authority and doubt whether it is ratonal. Generally speaking, I won't believe in fengshui, since no one can say for sure this rule is true and will benefit me until scienfists prove it to be so.

  2. For me, fengshui is more like culture instead of science.

    1. Exactly!Anyway,although I understand it is not scientific, I still tend to follow the instructions.Instead of the actual effect,maybe I am just pursuing the relief inside.
